Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Can meat production be carbon neutral?

Personally, I’m conflicted regarding the moral case against taking another life for meat (I'm a part time vegan), but the environmental argument generally seems to be flawed.

We need to try and stop eating meat from environmentally destructive (and barbaric) factory farming, yes, but meat from regenerative farming? Potentially ok, or even beneficial for the environment.

Given that meat production is dominated by industrial factory farming, sourcing meat from regenerative farming is barely an option at the moment, so I’m pretty sure moving more towards an organic and local (where possible) plant based diet is still definitely the most environmentally friendly thing we can do.

But maybe see if there’s a regenerative farm near you and go check it out.

'The Tories aren't neoliberal'. A Response.

Response to a friend who said to me 'the Tories are nationalizing Northern Rail. This doesn't fit the narrative that they are neoliberals/Nazis':

That we have privatised rail in the first place is a really extreme example of neoliberalism. Even the US has nationalised rail.

Nationalisation of some industry doesn’t instantly make a system not neoliberal. It’s the same as saying Tory raising of the minimum wage makes them not neoliberal. But it really doesn’t. (Generally they’re just necessary concessions, to keep the system from totally collapsing, for a while at least).

People obviously need to be able to travel to keep the economy moving. Neoliberals, having caused problems such as this, are now forced to fix their mess. It should be a step towards acknowledging the damage/exploitation/inefficiencies/impracticality/failures of privatisation of major industry and resources in general, but I won’t hold my breath.

Tories aren’t Nazis, they’re just corrupt, crony, vapid, puppets of corporations/the rich; of capital. And they're imperialists - they may not be fascist themselves, but they support fascism abroad, that’s for sure. (But then so does much of the ‘left’).

Neoliberalism is a general ideology of ‘market knows best’, and individualism, pushed by those at the top who subsequently have more power and can continue making their billions exploiting the rest of us/the planet. Despite some western states now having to turn away from it, to an extent at least, (thanks to failures/public pressure), they still continue imposing it on poor countries, to make them privatise their industries/resources, so they can be extracted/profited from. Fucked up!

I very much doubt the Tories are going to significantly turn away from it though. This is just a last resort; a necessary undoing of something that was always pretty damn extreme. But if they do, I think we can be sure that whatever system they replace it with, will be one that mostly benefits the few, at our expense.

Keir Starmer won't win a GE

Those who think Keir Starmer will have a better chance at winning an election because elite media will be kind to him need to understand that the only reason it’s being kind to him currently is that he’s less of a threat than Rebecca Long-Bailey.

When it’s him vs the Tories, he’ll be attacked.

That is, unless he goes full on Blairite, neocon wanker and signals that he might bomb some Muslims, expand NHS privatisation, etc. Then he’ll get Murdoch & co on side. I doubt he will be that bad though. He’ll probably be very bland, Ed Miliband 2.0. And that went well.

The only way we’ve any hope at winning is to either be Tory-lite neocon imperialists (ie to get Tory voters on side), or to continue with left populism; to continue with policies that are most definitely popular according to polls, and according to the 2017 election result; to continue fighting the elite and their media!

The latter - taking power from the exploitative, ecocidal, warmongering elite few, and giving it to the many - is really our only choice if we want to actually have a chance at creating a civilized society and saving the planet!

For centrists, Keir Starmer is a stepping stone back to Blairism. He's Ed Miliband 2.0. They know he won't win a general election. And when he doesn't, they'll be like 'yep, only option left is David Miliband'.

Need to keep left. Need to regain and build on what we achieved in 2017.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

The world agrees - capitalism is shit

According to this online poll, 56% of the globe’s population agree that:

‘Capitalism as it exists today does more harm than good in the world’.

And this is just those who have access to the internet. Seems rather likely that all those who don’t - ie those most impoverished by capitalist exploitation - will be most in agreement with that statement!

Also need to take into account the constant, Orwellian propaganda from elite media that free market capitalism is doing wonders for the world. It would be much higher than 56% without that, for sure.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Hell on earth - is there any hope?

Not sure exactly how accurate this is, but I read somewhere that if all arable land was divided equally between every person on the planet, we would each get half an acre.

Wouldn’t that be cool?

But sadly it is quickly reducing. Not so much because of population growth, but thanks to our unaccountable economic system and its need for constant growth, which is destroying that land via extremely destructive (and inefficient) agricultural practices; (in order to produce unhealthy, poisoned food that we are then manipulated into consuming, so that big food corporations can profit and the economic growth continues, whilst making us sicker and sicker - though we are kept alive with more and more drugs from the profit-needing pharmaceutical corporations, 'Big Pharma').

Incredibly destructive, bloody imperial interventionism/economic terrorism is waged to advance that economic system and to destroy alternative systems that threaten it.

Ugh. How did we manage to create such hell on earth?

I say ‘we’, but really it’s a very small number of people who did this and who perpetuate it. The neoliberal capitalist system rewards and empowers the worst of us, who then manipulate enough of the rest of us into keeping them empowered.

Hopefully we are becoming less easily manipulated. And hopefully we are waking up to the propagated, and dangerous, narrative of individualism; and realising instead that we are all connected; that we are all one; that one person's happiness and fulfillment is dependent on everyone else's, and on the health of the natural environment.

Hopefully those powerful few are becoming mindful as to what they're doing to the planet and using their power to enact massive system change as a result.

But I can’t help feeling that if this was going to happen, it would have happened by now, and we’d have had the change we need long ago - to create a system that works in harmony with nature; to put people and planet before corporate profit.

Instead, the elites are building bunkers, as they get ever richer from the burning of the planet. And we continue to reject the change we need, at the ballot box.

Our only hope is that enough of us can wake up and see through the constant manipulation. All we can do is continue trying to inform, unite, resist and revolt. Protests all around the world right now should give us some hope. We need a new system, now! We need revolution!

Saturday, 25 January 2020

US liberals are nuts

Erm no Adam Schiff,  people around the world living under oppressive regimes do not look to America as a beacon of law and democracy - they look at you in disgust/anger/fear, because you’ve been installing and arming those regimes for the last 70+ years.

This psycho is leading the ‘opposition’ to Trump right now. He also thinks Russia is set on invading Europe.

US ‘liberals’ are easily as brainwashed as any Nazi. Very sad.

What's life really like in China?

Western media coverage re China is pretty much entirely propaganda. So watch this, for some balance at least.

Another anti-centrist rant

Let’s all just pretend this never happened, eh?

And by the end of 2017, Labour were polling as high as 45%!

But we lost momentum. We lost trust. We went from being anti-establishment to being perceived as establishment.

How did this happen?

Mostly, in my opinion, thanks to centrist wreckers who always considered a bit of anti-imperialist socialism as just as much of a threat as Brexit.

So they did everything possible to push Labour into a Brexit position that anyone who bothered to look at the stats knew was electoral suicide.

As well as doing that, they also joined in with elite media/far-right smears against the movement. They should’ve been uniting with the movement in trying to focus on real issues - climate change, the NHS, austerity, the economic system that is destroying us all - but instead, they refused, and constantly smeared and attacked us instead.

And now that the movement has, thanks to all that, unsurprisingly failed to win an election, they blame it all on the movement/Corbyn! Shameless!

‘Centrists’ are a nightmare! Their ignorance and cognitive dissonance will continue to prevent radical change to save the planet.

(NB, I am not saying that the leadership didn’t make big mistakes. They absolutely did. But the centrists/Blairites really made things impossible).

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Centrism continues to screw us all

Liberal 'centrists'...

Continued Thatcherism/neoliberalism.

Supported austerity.

Then refused to get behind the movement that was trying to reverse all those policies; to reform the economic system that created the discontent that led to Brexit.

They are a bloody nightmare.

If we now elect Keir Starmer as Labour leader, then all that centrist stupidity wins. Need to keep fighting!

And in the US...

Sociopathic war criminal, compulsive liar, and 'centrist', Hillary Clinton, has said that ‘no one likes Bernie Sanders’.

Sanders is consistently voted the most popular senator, has been repeatedly elected, has had over 5 million donations from 2 million donors to his presidential campaign, and is polling ahead of the other candidates.

As ever, extreme ‘centrists’ consider a bit of socialism to be just as much of a threat as the hard right/neo-fascism, be that in the form of Trump or Brexit/Boris Johnson. They are our biggest obstacle to progress

Who needs Hitler when you've got corporate media?

Here’s the editor-at-large of Newsweek effectively agreeing that those journalists who disobey the state - a state responsible for inflicting untold death and misery on the world don’t forget - should be locked up, for good.

Who needs Hitler when you’ve got corporate media?

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Is localism the answer?

Under neoliberal globalisation...

We deregulate the global, planet-killing corporations, that barely pay any tax.

And we over-regulate the local businesses, that do pay tax.

And the tax paid by those small businesses funds subsidies for those global, planet-killing corporations.

Such extreme insanity.

Is localism the answer?

Interview here with Helena Norberg-Hodge.

Unite against the industrial food system!

I'm concerned, having interacted with some vegan activists on twitter, that their passionate desire to liberate all animals; their opposition to all meat eating, is clouding their judgment as to how we can best go about revolutionizing the current food system, and save the planet.

I get the impression that many vegans consider people like me (who’re mostly vegetarian, but occasionally eat local, organic, grass-fed meat) as just as much their enemy, as the industrial food system. Which is worrying.

And what percentage of vegans are actually opposed to that system? Are many only opposed to the meat-producing part of it?

I feel that there needs to be at least as much emphasis on local/organic/ethical as there is on veganism, which definitely doesn’t necessarily equate to a sustainable, planet-friendly diet.

Ugh. Surely vegans, and meat eaters with a conscience, can and should be united in our opposition to that industrial food system; with its factory farming, slave labor, deforestation, etc?

When has socialism worked? A response.

A response to my Dad, after he said to me - "When has socialism ever succeeded? And if you care about climate change, protest China and India!":

What most socialists are calling for today is a reversal of neoliberalism; we want a mixed economy, with a truly representative government, an emphasis on cooperatives, etc. We are not calling for a Soviet Union-style system. You know this. Stop being obtuse. See Finland, where they’re currently moving towards a 4 day week. Such a failure of a country! Definitely not one of the happiest in the world (sarcasm).

(But fyi - it is actually very, very easy to make the case that capitalism is a far more unsuccessful system than Soviet style socialism. What with all the genocidal colonialism, and the literal destruction of the planet for profit. No biggy).

Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world, with a history (that continues to this day) of ravaging the world via war and ecocide. For us to go green would have a huge impact, and we have a deep responsibility to do so.

You’ve been manipulated into blaming everything on countries like China that aren’t yet controlled by western capital. It’s very sad.

China has developed in a FAR less destructive manner than the west. And they are now leading the way in many ways, on the environment. Over 50% of investment in renewable energy comes from China. They’ve planted 66 billion trees. They’re on course to achieve peak emissions 10 years earlier than agreed at Paris.

All this, whilst lifting nearly a billion people from poverty (and not waging any wars!). Pretty remarkable. And fyi their emissions per capita are half that of the US.

None of this means I love their system. Ultimately, it’s all still destructive. But at least they seem to have a conscience, and an ability to act on it.

It’s utterly deranged to focus on them rather than on our own country/the US - we have been attacking/plundering the world, repressing movements for peace/sustainability, for centuries.

But this is to be expected from someone who consumes western propaganda daily.

Sunday, 12 January 2020

We let the antisemitism weaponisers win

Labour leader frontrunners Keir Starmer and Rebecca Long-Bailey are currently capitulating to the Board of Deputies of British Jews, a right-wing organization that supported Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and that regularly condones the mass murder of Palestinians.

Such cowardice. The hope, for Britain to become a nation of peace and justice, that came with Corbyn's leadership, seems to truly be dead.

The antisemitism smear campaign against Labour was successful. We failed to resist it. We let the racist, right-wing weaponisers win. The absurd, Orwellian lie that there was an antisemitism ‘crisis’ under Corbyn - the first ever truly anti-racist leader of the party - is now an ‘official truth’.

The stats/facts don’t matter. Up is down. The campaign by racists to smear anti-racists as racist worked.

There is little hope for the planet, until we manage to take control of the narrative, from the handful of billionaires/corporations who own the media and our politicians, and who peddle ridiculous propaganda narratives like this constantly.

All victims of western capitalism/imperialism around the world, from Palestine to Venezuela, need us to keep trying.

I’ll still probably going to vote for Rebecca Long-Bailet (presuming I’m not suspended just for writing this!), but ugh it’s all very sad.

Good Dictator!


Compare how the BBC/western regimes treat Qaboos - an extortionately rich, corrupt dictator, in power for 50 years - to how they treat authoritarian leaders who don’t serve western interests. (Or even about democratic leaders who don’t).

‘He wrote down the name of his successor and put it in an envelope’.

Oh okay then. Totally normal.

It is purely a result of propaganda that Gaddafi, Assad, Kim Jong, Maduro, etc, are all seen as ‘brutal dictators’, whilst the Sultan Qaboos is not.

He was one of the good ones, because he served the interests of western elites/capital.

FYI, in Oman:

• The law prohibits criticism of the sultan in any form or medium.
• The law does not provide citizens with the right to change their government.
• The sultan retains ultimate authority on all foreign and domestic issues.
• Public officials are not subject to financial disclosure laws.
• Police do not need search warrants in order to enter people's homes.
• Libel laws and concerns for national security have been used to suppress criticism of government figures and politically objectionable views.
• Publication of books is limited and the government restricts their importation and distribution, as with other media products.
• The state decides who can or cannot be a journalist and this permission can be withdrawn at any time
• Access to news and information can be problematic: journalists have to be content with news compiled by the official news agency on some issues
• Through a decree by the sultan, the government has now extended its control over the media to blogs and other websites.

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Western 'freedom' = the freedom to be censored!

Donald Trump can tweet threats of genocide; he can tweet boastfully of assassinating foreign leaders; he can be overtly racist... and Twitter let’s him get away with it.

But if you’re a leader of a country targeted by the US, or if you’re just citizens/journalists in that country, who’re speaking out against US imperial efforts against your people, there’s a good chance that these social media corporations will censor you - as Twitter has done today with Iran’s Ayotollah.

Twitter has done the same with Venezuela’s Maduro, Syria’s Assad, Chinese accounts, Cuban accounts, etc.

And Facebook is now censoring anyone who dares to show support for those who oppose US imperialism - like Iran’s Soleimani, who led the fight against ISIS/al Qaeda in Iraq, but who Trump had assassinated for threatening US interests in the region (oil etc). YouTube doing similar.

We must not show solidarity with those who are targeted and murdered for no reason other than their refusal to serve the interests of western regimes.

We must support the imperial occupation and pillaging of resource-rich countries.

Or else face censorship and suppression.

They say we have freedom in the west. What we have is the freedom for billionaires and corporations, and the politicians who they corrupt/are in league with, to control us, so that they can continue plundering and destroying the planet.

Friday, 10 January 2020

Neoliberalism makes us sick and keeps us sick

We need to address the root causes of illnesses, not just the symptoms. And we need preventative healthcare.

But the industries that profit off our sickness - and we really are very, very sick - will continue to prevent this.

The current economic system of neoliberal capitalism, with its transfer of power to an elite few, and its need for perpetual profit and growth, exploits us, divides us, poisons us.

It makes us sick. And it keeps us sick. Economic success comes before our wellbeing.

See Cuba for what can be achieved in a non-capitalist system.

Americans want to kill Iranians but they don't know where Iran is

According to this poll, a 47% plurality of American voters support Trump’s illegal assassination of a Muslim man on the other side of the world who was fighting ISIS/al Qaeda.

And, only 28% of voters can point to Iran on a map.

Americans really are one of the most brainwashed, ignorant, racist, supremacist populaces ever.

(Saying that, there’s about 100 million Americans who don’t vote, so they weren’t included in this poll. So I guess it’s important to note that 47% actually equals significantly less than half of the population).

Liberals hugely responsible for Trump's warmongering

Most Democrats, and the liberal media, have spent 3+ years focussing on a moronic conspiracy theory about Trump being a Russian asset, whilst showing little interest in his drive to war against Iran, (or his continuation of Obama’s Yemen genocide, etc).

Dems even voted to give Trump more war powers, and an even more obscene military budget. And worse than showing little interest, they, and the media, have actually supported much of his warmongering.

Both by this, and by their Orwellian portrayal of the current situation in Iran - ludicrously portraying Iran as in some way responsible - they have helped enable the current nightmare scenario.

How dare Iranians defend themselves!

God damn those Iranians for defending themselves and their region from those who have wrought bloody havoc in that region for over a century, via wars, occupation, support for despots and terrorist groups, sanctions, etc.

God damn them for defending themselves from those who seek to destroy them and plunder their resources!
