Monday 5 August 2024

some thoughts re the 'far-right' riots in the UK

decades of (neo)liberal globalism is largely to blame for these riots imo. communities upended, exploited, smeared as ‘backwards’. inequality, poverty. no sense of identity. nothing much to live for. due to the religious focus on profits for global corporations, and so-called growth, above all else. people are lost, nihilistic. vulnerable to radicalisation

mass immigration is surely a legit concern; multiculturalism has worked in some places and not in others. and impacted the poorest the most. and sadly a huge percentage of British Muslims - who we definitely have a duty of care towards having waged wars on their countries - have medieval values; criminalise gays, wives belong to their husbands, etc. aren’t they ‘far-right’ too? is it really totally irrational to have some concerns about them and their future influence, given that they are having far more kids than non-Muslim Brits?

the immigration is a symptom of the neoliberal globalism; the globalising wars creating refugees, the corporations seeking cheap labor, the increasing difficultly for people to have families due to high costs - which makes immigration necessary to prevent the impending depopulation crisis and keep the economy running. all sides of the political spectrum - except perhaps the ‘liberals’ who remain in denial - should surely be able to agree on this point. let’s find common ground! and work from there

prosecute those guilty of violence, sure, but they’re a minority. screaming ‘fascist!’ at all who peacefully attend or who sympathise with these protests probably isn’t going to work. imo we have to accept the merits to their arguments - the uncomfortable truths - and find solutions. they need to feel heard. if they continue to get shunned, demonised and insulted, I fear the violence will only get worse 

we need dialogue, debate. and good leadership. vision, hope, investment, decentralization, an end to neoliberal dogma. instead we have keir starmer, who will likely just use this situation to roll out more totalitarian surveillance, online censorship etc 

Friday 13 October 2023

Hamas and how the west is to blame for the rise in Islamist extremism

 The west helped create Hamas, encouraging Islamism to counter a strong secular nationalist movement. (And the occupation/persecution only fuelled radicalisation).

The west armed and funded Osama Bin Laden & co in Afghanistan, seeing chaotic Islamism as preferable to strong secular nationalism. It led to the formation of al Qaeda.

The west destroyed secular nationalist Iraq (and Libya), radicalising people against the west; Iraqis imprisoned by the US went on to form ISIS.

The west armed and funded Islamist ‘rebels’ in Syria not that dissimilar to ISIS, as they tried to topple a strong secular nationalist state.

…in conclusion: western foreign policy is the main cause behind the growth of Islamist extremism/terrorism, having waged wars that fuelled anti-west sentiment and routinely used Islamist extremists against secular independence movements to advance geo strategic/colonialist/corporate interests.

The west’s desire for corporate profit and global domination, requiring that all countries of the world be weak and/or compliant, has caused absolute chaos and catastrophe.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Rockefeller medicine on YouTube

YouTube starts verifying health workers in the UK

Suppression/censorship continuing. Only Rockefeller-educated, big pharma-compromised doctors allowed! Even after their dreadful record this last few years.

Time to switch to when possible!!

(*I am not saying those docs don’t do plenty of good stuff along with the bad! Just like ‘alternative’ docs! Point is we need the freedom to think and choose for ourselves and not be dictated by the cult of corrupt, selective and dogmatic ‘science’!).

Friday 18 August 2023

Typical EU/western arrogance helped cause the catastrophe in Ukraine

Read: EU Leaders Set for Tough Table-talk with Ukraine's Yanukovich

In 2013, the EU tried to humiliate Ukraine with a shit trade deal, and refused three-way talks with both Ukraine and Russia to create a deal that worked for all, the obvious solution to avoid conflict in very divided Ukraine. But as usual, the west was interested in domination, not cooperation. The Ukrainian President rejected the deal, leading to the violent 2014 coup by the pro-west section of society, 8 years of civil war and Russia's 2022 invasion.

Also read: The Clinton-era blunder that set the stage for today’s Ukrainian crisis

And listen: How the west brought war to Ukraine

Sunday 25 June 2023

Mutiny in Russia?

Putin is more popular than ever in Russia, but that didn't stop western media getting all excited that a coup was on the cards this week. 

The reality is that western governments/media would actually be totally cool with Russia being run by a genuine Hitler figure, providing he/she was under the western thumb. There's a long history of the west installing/supporting compliant dictators. They tried to turn Putin into one back in the 2000s but he resisted, so they started demonising him as the devil incarnate and I guess now they’re willing to try their luck with anyone? Even total madmen who might be far more trigger happy with nuclear weapons. Desperate lunatics. 

Thursday 22 June 2023

Keir Starmer: Blair's puppet?

From the FT, about the Tony Blair Institute. The corrupt, authoritarian war criminal continues to lobby for his vision of progress: an anti-democratic, anti-freedom, globalised technocracy.

Keir Starmer is keeping some distance for now, trying to fool us, but will likely be Blair’s puppet once elected. Duplicitous assholes, both of them!! Ideologically aligned, for sure. 

Do we really want local people to have no power? Do we want technocracy and a bio-security state/world, run by a few corporations/elites? Do we agree with Blair that this is the 'modern' future we all need? That centralized entities should have evermore control over us to exploit our data and inevitably force us into compliance with their agendas? (See what the ‘centrist’ Justin Trudeau did to the Canadian truckers protesting against vaccine mandates/passes. He froze their bank accounts. CBDCs will make it so much easier for authorities to do this to dissidents).

Is it not clear that the main purpose of the unprecedented, totalitarian Covid response was to get people used to what’s coming? Digital IDs, ‘health passes’, CBDCs, continued centralisation of power… major increase in government/corporate/oligarchy control over people+planet.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Bill Gates' WHO wants global 'health certificates'

The World Health Organization is set to adopt the 'health certificate' system imposed by the EU during the Covid reponse, and roll it out globally. (Despite no evidence of these certificates actually achieving anything).

‘Expanding such digital solutions will be essential to deliver better health for citizens across the globe', they say. No it isn’t. This is an absurd statement. It is only essential for enabling corporations and elites to control us more easily and profit off our bodies. Please fuck off you tyrannical lunatics.

Instead of learning that all the obscene, nonsensical, discriminatory, totalitarian Covid measures didn’t work, and caused HUGE collateral damage, global authorities want much more of it. 

Instead of learning that ‘the science’ is clearly profoundly politicized, corrupt, servile and vulnerable to groupthink, they want to give ‘the experts’ even more prestige and power, over what we - the entire global population! - do with our bodies. 

It is absolutely mental!

It’s all about further centralising power, expanding control over everything, and increasing profits, and it always has been. Just as the 'conspiracy theorists' claimed. Fascistic technocracy rising. 

We need decentralisation, not more centralisation and imperialism!!