Monday 9 April 2018

Another alleged chemical attack in Syria brings us closer to WW3

Nuclear powers are on the brink of direct conflict in Syria. 

Somehow, few seem alarmed by this. Instead, as a (seemingly desired) result of the Russiagate psy-op, many so-called liberals are cheering it on: ‘Trump must prove that he is not Putin’s puppet’! 

And, as a result of seven years of war propaganda, they also exclaim: ‘the US must intervene and help the freedom-fighting Syrian rebels!’. Never mind that the ‘rebels’ are al Qaeda and other extremist groups. Never mind that we have already given them a huge amount of support ($12billion+ of support from the US, with more from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey etc). 

And never mind that these are the same terrorists whom the west ostensibly set out to defeat 17 years ago, following 9/11!

We’re headed directly for WW3 and a nuclear holocaust. If you don’t think the priority right now should be to step back and reverse the unbelievably dangerous and stupid trajectory that we’re on, you’re either not paying attention, or you’re being brainwashed by western government stenographers in the ‘mainstream’ media. 

Russia is NOT ‘the villain’, but westerners have been made to believe so, in order to justify NATOs existence, and to justify the US Empire’s proxy wars against Russia in Ukraine and Syria - ie in order to sustain and expand the military-industrial complex, continue to steal all the world’s resources, and demonise the one country that is currently doing most to hinder this.

The use of a ‘bogeyman’ also helps to divert attention from the mass atrocities committed by the US +allies. It is WE who have caused the deaths of millions of innocent people, particularly in recent years - not Russia.

It’s essential that people realise what is going on. WE are the villains. The neoliberal/corporatist system that western powers set up has rewarded and handed power over to the greedy few, and encouraged war profiteering and Empire expansion. Democracy is mostly an illusion, with governments bought off and in service of the elite, rather than the people. Many countries plundered, and many millions killed and maimed, as a result. 

Westerners are largely brainwashed following a lifetime of psychological abuse from this psychopathic system. (I know I was). Right now, with extreme inequality; with citizens increasingly disempowered and angry; and with the destructive system of eternal and unaccountable growth, catastrophe seems inevitable, whether or not the psychopathic plutocrats who hold most of the power in this system consciously want it. Small, defenceless countries are easily plundered. Russia, and China, are not.

We need a mass awakening and a peace offensive. We need a new system to bring about a redistribution of power, and more equal societies. ASAP.

We can argue as to how close we are to catastrophe, and perhaps you think I’m being alarmist (hope so). But with the current crisis in Syria bringing two nuclear powers close to direct conflict, I think it is safe to say that things are not looking very good. In any case, we’re on a highly dangerous trajectory, and should be doing all we can now to change course, before tensions get any worse than they already are.

As we know from history, great wars can kick-off without intention.

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