Tuesday 29 May 2018

More Neoliberal Tyranny in Italy

So the president of Italy has installed a fucking ex-IMF economist as Prime Minister, just after having refused to allow an anti-austerity/EU-skeptic government into power. Temporarily, so they say, but it's the first time - since the fall of fascist Mussolini - that the head of state in Italy has wielded such power, and blocked the formation of a government. Is fascism returning in a different form?

Is it actually possible for any EU country to escape neoliberal globalism? Do we live in democracies, or do we live in societies controlled by markets; by corporate/plutocrat power? Right wing nationalism will continue to flourish unless the Left is able to offer real progressive change away from this system.

The anti-democratic nature of the system that we live under continues to reveal itself. The neoliberal elite have Europe under their thumb - was that the whole point of the EU?

Article from 2011:

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