Thursday 7 March 2019

Macron is all about the freedom.

‘Freedom!’, says Macron, as he supports extremists in Syria who want to enforce barbaric Wahhabism onto a secular populace.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he supports violent protestors and neoliberals in Venezuela who want to abolish the democratically-created constitution and privatize the oil, so that the working classes lose the social rights that they’ve gained under Chavismo.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he breaks international law in bombing and sanctioning other countries.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he sells some more weapons to Yemen-destroying Saudi Arabia.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he congratulates sexist, homophobic, military dictatorship-loving, Bolsonaro, in Brazil.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he helps Netanyahu fuck the Palestinians some more.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he supports more planet-killing militarism, so that war-profiteers can profit.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he supports draconian internet surveillance, and censorship of ‘fake news’.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he empowers authorities to racially profile Muslims.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as he cuts some more taxes for the super rich.

‘Freedom!’, he says, as his riot police beat up some more Gilet Jaunes protestors.

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