Sunday 18 April 2021

Anti-imperialism a farce?

How is anyone in their right mind not horrified by the idea of (effectively) mandating these experimental, briefly-tested, and largely completely unnecessary, medical procedures, for the entire human race? Even now that everyone can see that they're causing some deaths in the short term, (and who knows of long term issues!).

This is one of the most mortifying, monstrous agendas in human history! 

What I’m finding really hard to understand is the anti-capitalist left’s refusal to even acknowledge that this is a disease largely of the ‘developed’, most capitalistic, world. The US is impacted badly due to capitalist exploitation of the population, leading to obesity etc.‬

It's a ‪MASSIVE disservice to those populations in the ‘developing’ world, who’re not yet quite so dominated by corporate power, to not recognize the above, and instead to go along with big pharma’s propaganda and force them all to get experimental gene therapy! Anti-imperialism seems a farce right now.‬

I really recommend listening to this podcast for a rational view of events. 

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