Sunday 7 August 2022

Why is anyone still trusting the medical authorities?

‘The probability of death was found to be higher by as much as 50% in COVID patients with severe vitamin D deficiency, while this probability fell to 5% in patients with good levels of the vitamin.’

Why is anyone still trusting the medical authorities that have remained almost totally silent about the obvious importance of Vitamin D (and good nutrition in general)?

…actually worse than silence. They, and the media, actively dismissed and suppressed the evidence. We had to accept their one ‘solution’. No other options permitted. Comply, or be discriminated against! 

Never forget the tyranny of the last 2.5 years!!


Relevant: Closing the 17-year gap between scientific evidence and patient care

And with Big Pharma more powerful than ever, after decades of neoliberalism, I'm going to assume it's even longer than 17 years!

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