I check BBC News all the time. I saw the Gilets Jaunes protests as a top news story once. That was it. Funny how much attention the protests in Hong Kong, and now Moscow, are getting in comparison. Especially given that 12 protestors have been killed in France, and 4000 more have been injured. And considering that they’ve been ongoing for some 37 weeks and have been all over the country.
Ditto protests in other countries that are ruled by pro-US/neoliberal regimes. Like Honduras, where the US helped install a virtual dictatorship in 2009. Human rights abuses and protests there get very limited coverage comparatively, and are generally framed in such a way as to make state repression seem more justifiable. It’ll be ‘clashes’ between protestors and authorities, rather than a ‘crackdown’.
Western MSM really is an extremely effective propaganda machine for US Empire!
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