Wednesday 11 September 2019

Imagine 9/11 Happened in Russia

If there was a major terror attack in Russia, which Putin proceeded to use as justification for a series of oil wars, you can be damn sure that western media, governments, and think tanks would scream ‘false flag! Putin did it!’. In fact, they’ve already done this, both in Russia, following the 1999 apartment bombings, and in Venezuela, following an attempted drone attack on Venezuelan President, Maduro. Western pundits suggested that both of these events may have been ‘false flag’ operations.

Maybe the official story of 9/11 is true, maybe it isn’t. Personally, I prefer not to spend too much time thinking about it, because most important is that we highlight that, if it really was an al Qaeda operation, then it was a direct consequence of US imperialism in Afghanistan in the 1980s, when the CIA supported the Mujahideen - including Osama Bin Laden - which later gave birth to al Qaeda. And that it was used to justify further imperialism, in Afghanistan again, Iraq, and many other countries - the so-called ‘war on terror’ - which has killed millions, wrecked entire countries, caused refugee crises, fuelled more blowback attacks, and of course, been highly profitable for western weapons contractors, oil companies, etc.

But there is nothing wrong with questioning what exactly happened on 9/11. There are plenty of reasons to do so; logic, for one - who benefited from the attack? (See end of previous paragraph).

The latest reason is a four year investigation by the University of Alaska, which has concluded that World Trade Centre 7 - the third tower, not hit by a plane, that came down that day - was not brought down by fire, as the government sponsored investigation concluded. 

Below this blog post are some links to various other bits of information that I’ve come across over the years. Some of it is from ‘mainstream’ western media, though of course, in general this ‘mainstream’ media has suppressed and screamed ‘conspiracy theorist!’ at anyone who has questioned the government narrative too much, (all whilst cheering for the ensuing wars of course). As mentioned at the beginning, if this was Russia, or any other target country of US Empire/western capitalists, the media would be doing the opposite - THEY would be the ‘conspiracy theorists’. 

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