Friday, 28 August 2020

The companies developing COVID-19 vaccines are corrupt as hell

Here's some information about GlaxoSmithKline, one of the companies working on a vaccine for COVID-19. Amongst other crimes, the company failed to disclose the potentially dangerous side effects of a diabetes drug, which, according to the FDA (itself a highly corrupted agency), may have caused up to 100,000 heart attacks.

Other Big Pharma corporations working on Covid vaccines are similarly negligent, corrupt, deceitful - I will list some below, with links detailing just a few of the crimes that I've discovered from a brief bit of research. I fear I am only scratching the surface.

There is talk of mandatory vaccinations for Covid. Personally, there is nothing that will convince me of the safety of a Covid vaccine, when there has never been a safe Coronavirus vaccine previously, when they are now being developed under immense pressure, and when the corporations involved have appalling records of deceit and corruption. And in any case, is it not a bit insane to vaccinate people who are not at risk from this virus?! Is it not quite clear that it is only the elderly and those with comorbidities and nutrient deficiencies who're at risk? And isn't even that risk, quite low?

Why is the focus on vaccines and masks, rather than on enabling and encouraging people to improve their general health/immune systems? Not only is poor general health a key factor in Covid susceptibility, it also potentially makes vaccines largely ineffective! Even for healthy people, these vaccines may only be 50% effective, and are only really to reduce symptoms, rather than stop infection, according to this.  

This study suggests that having a healthy gut (i.e. having a healthy balance of bacteria) may reduce your susceptibility, potentially helping to explain the lower death rate in countries like Germany, Japan and Taiwan, where fermented food (eg sauerkraut) is a staple. And this study concludes that Vitamin D deficiency is a major factor. Wouldn't a highly effective, easy and cheap strategy to reduce Covid mortality, be to provide supplements to all vulnerable people? And to embark on a campaign to enable and encourage everyone to improve their diet/lifestyle? Dr Fauci, leading the US response to Covid, recently stated that he is taking Vitamin D supplements - why hasn't he formerly advised the pubic to do the same?

And then there is the environmental impact - a genocide of crabs and sharks is required to produce these vaccines, leading to potential destruction of ecosystems. Just what the world needs right now!

Is everything going on in response to Covid being driven by the need of the corporations to profit and grow, just as everything is - including our general medical system - under the current economic system? (Though, given that communist China, Cuba, etc, have responded similarly, I can't put it all down to capitalism. There seems to be a war mentality approach across the board). 

Watch this documentary. The World Health Organization helped to deny effective, natural malaria medication to Africa. It's pretty clear that it is, to some extent at least, in the pocket of the profiteering Big Pharma corporations. Are those interests driving their response to Covid?

And I realize this is an argument made by those described as 'anti-vaxx', but is it not possible that all these vaccinations are confusing our bodies? Might the rise in autoimmune diseases be linked? Some vaccines may help to save lives in the short term, but the long term impact of meddling with our immune systems to this extent is impossible to predict, and there have been many issues with some vaccines. Do we not need to move away from Germ Theory towards Terrain Theory? Do we not need to recognise that there are trillions of germs in us and around us, and consider the possibility that it is only human actions - our extreme meddling with nature and our poisoning of our bodies with toxic, unhealthy diets etc - that puts things out of balance and causes some to harm us? Is it not a bit insane to vaccinate the entire human race because of a virus that's of no threat to those who're reasonably healthy? Shouldn't we instead put this effort and money into healing the terrain of people and planet?

Is the debate around vaccines redundant because, as Zach Bush explains here, recent research in regards to the microbiome etc, has completely revolutionized understanding of human health?

In any case, we can’t shut down and wait for a vaccine every time a new virus comes along and causes harm - as will happen increasingly, precisely because of our current way of being. And especially in a globalised world where doing so has catastrophic consequences - the reaction to Covid is expected to push half a billion more people into poverty, and may lead to famines. And what’s even more upsetting is that most of these people, in the global south, seem to be far less susceptible to Covid - I assume, because they’re yet to have western ‘culture’, with our poisonous food system etc, imposed on them. And perhaps because of the hygiene hypothesis

We need to shift focus onto the terrain - most importantly, we need to change the food system. Industrial farming/junk food has wrecked both the environment, and our bodies, fueling disease and leaving us vulnerable. But with lockdown policies fueling yet more concentration of wealth in the hands of the corporations and billionaire technocrats, it seems likely that we will continue on the current suicidal path. 


Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson opioids helped create 'worst man-made public health crisis in history,' Oklahoma says in court

Report: Johnson & Johnson Under Criminal Investigation For Concealing Cancer Risks Of Baby Powder

Johnson & Johnson Will Pay $70 Million Over Bribery Claims

J&J to Pay More Than $100 Million to End Over 1,000 Talc Suits

J&J downplayed the risks of addiction to opioids 



Pfizer fined $2.3 billion for illegal marketing in off-label drug case

Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims

Tax Dodging Just One Part of Pfizer’s Corrupt Business Model

Did Zooloft make him do it?

Report Shows Pfizer May Have Known About Zoloft Side Effects

'thousands of reports linking the drug [Chantix] to mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, hostility and agitation'.

Prempro Settlements to Result in $1.2B Payments for Breast Cancer

Research suggests that the blockbuster cholesterol medication Lipitor can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes

Pfizer faces negligence lawsuits over carcinogens found in Zantac

Pfizer violation tracker

Pfizer: Corporate Rap Sheet


AstraZeneca takes $6m hit after 'faking conferences' to bribe doctors

"It came to light that during the approvals process, AstraZeneca covered up some of the major side-effects of Seroquel in order to get it easily approved”.

Justice Department probes claims that AstraZeneca bribed Iraqi terrorists to win contracts

Hidden conflicts? Pharma payments to FDA advisers after drug approvals spark ethical concerns


UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans

Bribery, corruption, fraud

Glaxo fined £37.6m for 'illegal behaviour' over Seroxat deals

Glaxo conned the world in 2009

Big Pharma Companies Are Exploiting The World's Poor

will update 

Thursday, 27 August 2020

We need to 'clean the tank'

There will be more crises, environmentally and in human health, until we start focussing on 'cleaning the tank' (see image below). We need to heal the natural world and heal ourselves. 

But the current economic system, with its need for profit and growth, prioritizes the interests of the mega, destructive corporations: the war industry, big pharma, big agriculture, big tech, etc. 

There are many people, organizations and businesses working within this system, to try and change things - for example, check out the regenerative agriculture movement. But it is difficult to see how things can change on the scale needed, until we abolish the economic system that has empowered a few destructive industries, with its need for constant and growing profit at any cost.   

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Similarities between the War On Terror and the War On Covid. Vicious cycle of self-destruction

Read this 


We can’t social distance and live in fear forever as every new virus comes along - as they will do increasingly, precisely because of our current way of being.

‪We need to focus on improving our general health and resilience, by enabling and encouraging all people to eat healthily, to exercise, to live fulfilled and stress-free lives. And by ending the neo-colonisation and exploitation of the ‘developing’ world, so that people there can be allowed to create their own systems that work in harmony with their local environment.‬

A healthy diet from organic, regenerative farms, and an end to exploitation, will not only make us strong, balanced and resilient, but will also be great for Mother Nature, so there will be fewer new viruses for our bodies to cope with. 

The same can be said about our wars: we can’t fight terrorism forever; terrorism that came about and has been exacerbated precisely because of our actions. We need to stop the war and plunder that fuels the terrorism; we need to cut the debts and provide (genuine, non-conditional) aid, not bombs and sanctions; we need to allow nations to figure out their own destiny rather than be constantly exploited, impoverished and provoked into violence. We need to allow them to heal. We need to deal with problems at their root. There are similarities between the 'war on terror', and this war on Covid. 

We’re in a vicious cycle of self-destruction, driven hugely by an economic system that requires perpetual growth and profit. Unless we swiftly get out of this cycle and start focusing more on the terrain and less on short-term thinking and fighting enemies, be they viruses or terrorists, I don’t see much hope for our species and millions of others.

The Clintons' medical advisor is 'anti-vaxx'?

Dr Mark Hyman, who I've referenced in recent posts, for his diet advice and criticism of certain vaccines - mainly those that contain Thimerosal - is a medical advisor to the Clintons. 

I guess elites are allowed to be wary of some vaccines, but we aren't? 

If what Dr Hyman says here is true - that Thimerosal is harmful, and has been banned in most vaccines in the US, but is still present in the vaccines that Bill Gates & co impose on the developing world - then wow, that is fucked up.

The UN tells us to eat GM crops. WTF.

See here.

The Impossible Burger is made from genetically-modified, monoculture Soya crops from industrial farms, meaning that its production involves the spraying of RoundUp herbicide, meaning that it has carcinogenic, microbiome-killing glyphosate in it.

This chemical is water soluble and can now be found in much of the tap water in the US, following its wide usage on GM crops.

There’s also evidence that it damages the soil/microorganisms directly, though we know for sure that biodiversity-killing, monoculture farming, (GM or otherwise), does that. Industrial agriculture is responsible for approx 50% of co2 emissions. 

But Bill Gates is an investor in Impossible Food, and maybe that’s all that matters to the UN!


more about GMOs:

How power shaped the ‘success story’ of genetically modified cotton in Burkina Faso

15 Health Problems Linked to Monsanto's Roundup

GM foods in the US are largely responsible for the increase in many serious diseases

The Real Risks of GMO Foods & How to Avoid

Monday, 24 August 2020

Trying to get my head around everything

Trillions of viruses are all around us, and in the human body. They are key to life, but can become a problem when the terrain of the body becomes unbalanced, and this is happening increasingly, as we destroy the natural world and all life in it with chemicals, pollution, poisonous food system; as we fuel stress, via increasing inequality and poverty; etc.

That’s my understanding, having spent many hours listening to interviews and talks with Dr Zach Bush, and others.

Is the theory correct? It makes sense to me.

I feel as though I’ve been conditioned to hate and fear germs and disease similarly to how we are conditioned to hate ‘enemy’ states of US Empire. The purpose of the conditioning is the same - to advance the interests of big business; the war industry, the oil industry... the pharmaceutical industry. A war mentality is required to maintain an economic system that requires perpetual profit and growth. Though saying that, I think this relationship we have with nature runs deeper than capitalism - we have been this way since before capitalism. (Well, not all of us).

Was our adoption of Germ Theory a new phase in our war on the world? We’re now literally making ourselves go extinct, via an infertility and disease crises, (and via climate change). Is the war mentality, including our war on disease, to blame? Is that, and what we have done to the environment and our food system, causing an imbalance in our bodies, and making us increasingly vulnerable? Have we been fighting mother nature when we should be trying to live in harmony with her, and allowing her to heal us? 

It seems that we need to radically change our approach. We focus on suppressing symptoms, when we need a holistic approach to address the root cause of these symptoms. And this root cause appears to me to be our disconnection from nature, and an economic system that requires that disconnection to continue, so that nature can be plundered for profit. We need to reconnect with nature, and we need to focus more on the terrain. We need to escape the short-sighted and ecocidal war mentality. 

The global response to Covid is just the latest example of this counterproductive, reductionistic war mentality. What negatively affects the terrain (and thus our ability to be unaffected by something like Covid)? Fear, lack of exercise, lack of sunlight, isolation, depression, poor diet/junk food takeaways... It's as though we have been encouraged, (or required by law), to make ourselves more vulnerable. 

And why did we not consider the repercussions of lockdowns in a globalized world, in which poor countries have been made reliant on exploitative rich countries, for the very survival of their people? We now have a ginormous increase in global hunger and poverty, with 10,000 more children dying a month now, according to the UN. (It has also led to a massive transfer of wealth upwards, so that now, power is even more concentrated than previously, making the big changes we need even harder to achieve). 

Covid has done one thing, however - it has proven that unity and enormous change is possible overnight, if there is the collective will. Hopefully there will be more pressure from the masses, now that the genie is out of the bottle. But we must become more conscious, collectively, of what really needs to be done; we must start looking at everything holistically. Or else we will continue with a war mentality and disconnection from nature that has put us on a path towards a concrete world in which we all keep our distance from each, cover our faces, and live in perpetual fear, bleakness and isolation. It's a world that will not survive for very long. Our species, like all the others currently going extinct, will be victim of it eventually. Biodiversity is key.


Some links:

Interviews with Zach Bush: here, here. (And many others on youtube/podcast).

It’s the terrain, not the germ, that is the most important determinant of health.

Read here: In 2005, 133million Americans were living with at least one chronic condition. In 2020, this is expected to grow to 157 million

Read here: Over half of US children now suffer from a chronic condition

Read here: Between 14.7 million and 23.5 million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease, and the prevalence is rising 

Read here: One in 59 children in the US has autism, rising 15% in just two years

Read here: Most men in the US and Europe could be infertile by 2060 

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Covid response is all wrong

In response to Covid, shouldn't we be focussing less on vaccines, and more on the terrain? Imagine if we put much of this effort that we're putting into creating vaccines, into ending poverty, hunger, poor sanitation, and transforming the poisonous food system.

Instead, the response that we've had has made poverty/hunger, in places like Africa where the virus has been way less of an issue (because they eat more healthily there?), much worse. And it’s led to an even greater concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, meaning that the terrain - the general health of us and the planet - will get even worse. 

We’re going to have more environmental destruction, more vulnerable populaces, and more viruses, until we fundamentally change our approach to health and our relationship with the natural world. We must start trying to create systems that work in harmony with nature. A sane response to a pandemic would surely involve a massive drive to overhaul the food system from processed, chemical crap, to organic, and a massive drive to stop wrecking the environment. Instead, we’re just going to spend $billions vaccinating everyone, whilst mostly ignoring the root issues. Because sickness and destruction is profitable; wellness is not.

We need revolution.

Michelle Obama says Trump is bad man

Michelle Obama, wife of war criminal who helped bring slavery to Libya and multiple humanitarian catastrophes to the world, says Donald Trump is a bad, bad man. 

Omg, I never knew. I thought Donald was wonderful until now. Thank you for this great wisdom, Michelle! Your husband may have perpetuated a system that has destroyed the lives of working class Americans, but I’m sure they will all now rush out and vote for his VP!

Back in the real world... whilst Trump is of course horrific, Joe Biden is backed by more blood-thirsty war criminals and sociopathic billionaires than possibly any previous Democratic candidate in history. 

But who cares eh. Trump is bad man. Biden is good man.

Democracy in the US is basically getting to choose between two of the worst people on the planet every four years, who pretend that they oppose each other, (whilst anyone who calls out the charade and demands actual change, is effectively disappeared).

Friday, 14 August 2020

Vaccines - are they always safe?

This is a very controversial topic, but here is a blog post by Dr Mark Hyman, a New York Times best-selling author, health advisor to the Clintons, and columnist for the Huffington Post, about the potential link between the MMR vaccine and autism. And here's another.

Mark insists he is not an 'anti-vaxxer'. He is just pro-vaccine safety. Has the immense power of Big Pharma corporations led to anyone who questions the safety of a vaccine, being smeared as 'anti-vax'?


I will keep a list below of all info I find about the potential dangers of some vaccines, past and present. I recommend reading this too. And this - is our approach to viruses based on a theory that is completely wrong? Also, read this, and the links included, for further information re the corrupt nature of the corporations that produce vaccines.

Letter from a pro-vaccine doctor 

FULL MEASURE: January 6, 2019 - The Vaccination Debate


Alfred Russel Wallace, who conceived the theory of evolution, was anti-vaccination

Some autoimmune phenomena are clearly related to immunization.

Wakefield - a scapegoat for MMR vaccine policy?

Dr. Humphries on tetanus, immunity and epigenetics

The real Polio story?

Study Showing Heavy Aluminum Deposits In Autistic Brains

Mercury: Get This Heavy-Metal Poison Out of Your Body

Vaccines and autism: a new scientific review

Early Polio vaccine was contaminated and caused cancer? Also, another batch caused deaths and paralysis.

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Polio Vaccines: Medical Triumph or Medical Mishap?

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease

Are US flu death figures more PR than science?

Thimerosal: Why We Need To Open the Debate on Safety

Flu shot linked to higher incidence of flu in pandemic year

The flu vaccine is being oversold – it’s not that effective

Big Pharma Companies Are Exploiting The World's Poor

Del Bigtree The Coronavirus Vaccine Agenda

Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing - we don't

Polygenic autoimmune diseases such as connective tissue diseases were significantly linked to the exposure to HBV vaccine

Glaxo conned the world in 2009

Philippines orders probe into Sanofi dengue vaccine for 730,000 children

Why a pandemic flu shot caused narcolepsy


Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award

UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine

Six of 10 vaccines investigated were associated with increased mortality

1980s documentary about the DPT vaccine

Study: Myocarditis secondary to smallpox vaccination

Vaccination and autoimmune diseases

Peer reviewed study: DTP vaccine was associated with increased mortality. Bill Gates & co still deploy this vaccine in the global south. 

The Troubling Truth Behind HPV Vaccines : Prepare to be Outraged

Five South Koreans die after getting flu shots, sparking vaccine fears

South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

Narcolepsy Associated with Pandemrix Vaccine

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. : can we get to the truth?

Watch this documentary. (Supported by actor Robert De Niro, who has an autistic son). 

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Why are we focussed on vaccines, masks and surveillance, rather than on strengthening our immune systems?

We now know that there are trillions of viruses all around us and in our bodies. They're clearly vital for life. Conventional wisdom seems to be that there are just a few 'bad eggs' amongst them. Doesn't this seem a bit absurd? Doesn't 'Terrain theory' make more sense? Read here.

We also know that we have a crisis of chronic disease, allergies, autism, infertility. Doesn't all this suggest that there is something fundamentally wrong with our approach to health?

Anyway... below is what many in the alternative medicine community are advocating in response to Covid. It is taken from here.

It sure does seem odd that the focus is on vaccines (there has never been a safe vaccine for Coronavirus), masks, and surveillance, rather than on improving our health, thus making us less susceptible to Covid. Perhaps because there's more money in sickness than in wellness, (hence why doctors barely learn about nutrition at medical school - got to keep us all sick and drugged up!).



I believe that the key to protecting yourself from Covid-19 is to strengthen the innate im­mune system. The most important things you can do are to eat a strictly certified organic whole foods diet, spend significant time outside in the sunlight without sunscreen and without sun­glasses, and stay away from major highways as much as possible to avoid toxic exhaust fumes.

Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy meats, seafood and dairy, will help assure an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C and vitamin D (along with vitamin A) are especially important for immune function. Many in the alternative medicine com­munity are recommending high-dose vitamin C and/or high-dose vitamin D as therapies to treat acute cases of Covid-19.

A healthy gut microbiome is crucial for a healthy immune system, and one way to main­tain a rich supply of probiotics is to eat ferment­ed foods. It is intriguing to me that Germany and South Korea have both had significantly better mortality statistics from Covid-19 than other nations. The cuisine of both countries includes fermented cabbage as a commonly consumed food (kimchi in South Korea and sauerkraut in Germany). Cabbage is also beneficial because it is an excellent source of sulfur. Taiwan and Ja­pan have also been relatively spared, and popular foods in those countries include “stinky tofu” and natto (fermented bean curd). The fermented tea kombucha is also highly recommended.

Flavonoids and terpenoids are complex organic molecules produced by plants that are often used as medicinal supplements. Flavonoids and terpenoids are responsible for the bright colors of many fruits and vegetables. A proto­typical flavonoid is quercetin, a plant pigment found in many foods, including apples, berries, onions, green tea and red wine, as well as popu­lar medicinal supplements such as ginkgo biloba and St. John’s wort. Terpenoids contribute to the scent of eucalyptus and the unique flavors of spices such as cinnamon, cloves and ginger. Terpenoids (also known as isoprenoids) have been shown to have antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antihyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. If your diet consists mainly of processed foods, then you will be deficient in flavonoids and terpenoids, and this can lead to increased susceptibility to disease.


It has been noted that African Americans are significantly more susceptible to Covid-19 than other races. Part of the reason may be re­duced access to quality nutrition, as low-income African Americans often live in areas known as “food deserts,” where fresh produce and seafood are less available, and organic choices are often nonexistent. But another factor may be vitamin D, as African Americans typically have significantly lower levels of vitamin D due to the fact that dark skin reduces the absorption of ultraviolet rays.

It may be significant that the Covid-19 outbreak occurred in the late winter and early spring in the Northern hemisphere, when vi­tamin D levels are typically at their lowest. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to acute respi­ratory distress syndrome. Vitamin D is known to exert antioxidant activity, which is crucial protection from the inflammatory cytokines released during the immune response. 

While the recommendations from the literature are to take high doses of vitamin D, I would encour­age spending significant time outdoors instead, if possible. As I have discussed in previous articles in this journal, sunlight exposure also induces cholesterol sulfate synthesis in the skin, and this is important for supplying sulfate to the vasculature and to the immune cells. This critically protects from both impaired immune function and thrombosis (blood clots).


In severe cases of Covid-19 with low oxygen levels in the blood, hospitals’ use of ventilators has been widespread. However, many have expressed concern that the ventilators are actually contributing to further damage to the already fragile lungs. The alternative medicine commu­nity is advocating the use of simple oxidizing agents such as ozone and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in the treatment of Covid-19. Their pro-oxidant effects can directly kill viruses and thus reduce the viral load, and at the same time provide extra oxygen to fuel the body.

ClO2 is a simple molecule that has potent antimicrobial effects while remaining nontoxic to humans at low doses.66 ClO2 is particu­larly interesting to me because of its unique ability to oxidize sulfur. I theorize that oral ingestion of ClO2 promotes the synthesis of sulfate from organic sulfur-containing molecules such as taurine, and that this directly strengthens the innate immune system. Unfortunately, the medi­cal establishment has been a harsh critic of ClO2, likening it to bleach, and this has made it difficult for clinicians to conduct controlled studies to evaluate its effectiveness.


The jury is still out on the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, promoted by President Trump as a potentially powerful treatment op­tion for Covid-19. The doctor who introduced this idea to him was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a doctor in New York City who claimed considerable success on his patients with Covid-19. One thing not often mentioned is that the treatment also included zinc sulfate supplements, and this aspect is probably very important. The drug is a zinc ionophore, and as such it promotes zinc uptake, which may be one of its primary benefits.

However, the drug is usually administered as hydroxychloroquine sulfate, so it too is providing sulfate to the patient. Strangely most practitioners never consider the idea that sulfate might be a crucial component of the drug or zinc supplement.

Heparin is the most highly sulfated molecule known to biology, and heparin is another therapy that is showing promise in treating Covid-19. It improved coagulation dysfunction, as evidenced by sharp reductions in D-dimer, and also exerted anti-inflammatory effects by reducing the levels of the inflammatory cytokine Il-6, as well as increasing the abun­dance of disease-fighting white blood cells (lymphocytes).