Friday 14 August 2020

Vaccines - are they always safe?

This is a very controversial topic, but here is a blog post by Dr Mark Hyman, a New York Times best-selling author, health advisor to the Clintons, and columnist for the Huffington Post, about the potential link between the MMR vaccine and autism. And here's another.

Mark insists he is not an 'anti-vaxxer'. He is just pro-vaccine safety. Has the immense power of Big Pharma corporations led to anyone who questions the safety of a vaccine, being smeared as 'anti-vax'?


I will keep a list below of all info I find about the potential dangers of some vaccines, past and present. I recommend reading this too. And this - is our approach to viruses based on a theory that is completely wrong? Also, read this, and the links included, for further information re the corrupt nature of the corporations that produce vaccines.

Letter from a pro-vaccine doctor 

FULL MEASURE: January 6, 2019 - The Vaccination Debate


Alfred Russel Wallace, who conceived the theory of evolution, was anti-vaccination

Some autoimmune phenomena are clearly related to immunization.

Wakefield - a scapegoat for MMR vaccine policy?

Dr. Humphries on tetanus, immunity and epigenetics

The real Polio story?

Study Showing Heavy Aluminum Deposits In Autistic Brains

Mercury: Get This Heavy-Metal Poison Out of Your Body

Vaccines and autism: a new scientific review

Early Polio vaccine was contaminated and caused cancer? Also, another batch caused deaths and paralysis.

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Polio Vaccines: Medical Triumph or Medical Mishap?

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease

Are US flu death figures more PR than science?

Thimerosal: Why We Need To Open the Debate on Safety

Flu shot linked to higher incidence of flu in pandemic year

The flu vaccine is being oversold – it’s not that effective

Big Pharma Companies Are Exploiting The World's Poor

Del Bigtree The Coronavirus Vaccine Agenda

Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing - we don't

Polygenic autoimmune diseases such as connective tissue diseases were significantly linked to the exposure to HBV vaccine

Glaxo conned the world in 2009

Philippines orders probe into Sanofi dengue vaccine for 730,000 children

Why a pandemic flu shot caused narcolepsy


Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award

UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine

Six of 10 vaccines investigated were associated with increased mortality

1980s documentary about the DPT vaccine

Study: Myocarditis secondary to smallpox vaccination

Vaccination and autoimmune diseases

Peer reviewed study: DTP vaccine was associated with increased mortality. Bill Gates & co still deploy this vaccine in the global south. 

The Troubling Truth Behind HPV Vaccines : Prepare to be Outraged

Five South Koreans die after getting flu shots, sparking vaccine fears

South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

Narcolepsy Associated with Pandemrix Vaccine

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. : can we get to the truth?

Watch this documentary. (Supported by actor Robert De Niro, who has an autistic son). 

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