Monday 28 February 2022

Keir Starmer is a fascist boot-licker

Keir Starmer warns Labour MPs anyone attacking Nato will be booted out

NATO destroyed an African country (Libya), and bombed Serbia to shit. It’s most powerful member - the US -  wages covert/overt wars around the world constantly. Many, many millions killed/displaced as a result. 

In Ukraine, the US played a major role in the 2014 coup, helping to install a regime friendly to neo-Nazis, (eg they were incorporated into the National Guard).

I guess Keir really wants us all to know that he’s a terrifying, racist, fascistic supremacist?


Where were all these new anti-war, pro-international law activists that have suddenly sprung up in response to Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, when the US installed a puppet regime in Ukraine that appeases/empowers neo-Nazis? Where were they as the US & co waged wars all over the world? (Mostly non-white people, so they don’t matter?).

If you think Putin will give a crap about our cries of war crimes, you need to get a grip. He will laugh at us. If we want a peaceful world, we’ll need to lead by example, and stop letting our governments commit all kinds of heinous crimes.

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