Saturday 5 October 2019

Elizabeth Warren - another 'humanitarian' imperialist

Elizabeth Warren thinks her country has a right to rule the world, cos ‘American values’. Lol!

Reminder: her country targets and tortures dissidents (Julian Assange/Chelsea Manning etc), fires tear gas at protestors and locks them up (Occupy, Standing Rock, etc), suppresses the African American vote, murders unarmed African Americans on the street, imprisons nearly 1% of its adult population, (and forces those prisoners into slave labor), wages wars for oil that kill and displace millions of innocents, glorifies the war criminals who wage those wars, arms extremists and installs dictators around the world, forces half a million homeless people onto the streets, puts refugee kids in cages and splits them from their families, carries out a global rendition/torture program, drops radioactive bombs (causing cancer and birth defects), implements mass spying program on its citizens, allies with Saudi Arabia in their genocidal war on Yemen, etc etc etc.

How can anyone still believe that US foreign policy is about spreading human rights? As she even says in her tweet - it is about advancing the ‘economic interests’ of US elites/corporations, which means spreading the neoliberal ideology around the world - which leads to the kind of destruction and oppression mentioned above.

Time to tell Warren and the rest of her exceptionalist, ‘humanitarian’ imperialists to F off!

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