Sunday 15 December 2019

Tory Crackdown on Dissent, at Behest of Isreal?

Tory crackdown on dissent gets underway.

First, they announce they're targeting progressive media outlet, The Canary - because they dared to call out the disgusting weaponisation of antisemitism against Jeremy Corbyn/Labour.

Now, they announce they're planning on criminalizing BDS.

We must not support oppressed peoples in their fight for freedom! To do so is racist!

Corbyn’s Labour would’ve got us out of this Orwellian hell and actually supported the Palestinians in their struggle, rather than continued to back Israel’s barbarism.

And I guess this means the UK will have to cut ties with Ireland? The government there passed a law making goods from Israeli settlements illegal.

BDS is not antisemitic. The racists are those who oppose it.

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