Thursday 11 March 2021

Dangerous Doctors

They ignored the science re effective treatments like Ivermectin‬.

‪They ignored the science re the importance of Vitamin D.‬

‪The ignored the science re the importance of good food and metabolic health. ‬

They ignored the catastrophic impact of experimental lockdowns.

They encouraged us to harm our immune systems, with their fear-mongering causing stress, and via mandated isolation, loneliness, lack of sunshine/exercise. 

‪They ignored the evidence suggesting lockdown inefficacy.

They showed no interest in learning from countries that avoided destructive lockdowns yet had few deaths.  

They ignored the evidence suggesting inefficacy and harms of masks, (and supported mandatory masks for toddlers!).‬

They ignored the issues with mass PCR testing.

‪They supported the rushing out, (and possible effective mandating), of experimental jabs with no long term safety data, for those to whom the virus is virtually no threat/those already infected, recovered and immune.

They consistently cherry-picked science/data to suit their narrative. 

They ignore new science showing us that our approach to viruses is nonsensical. 

‪I’m sure most are well-meaning, but I think most mainstream scientists and allopathic doctors have proven themselves to be amongst the most ignorant, irrational, docile, unthinking, dangerous people on earth! 

What else are they wrong about?


I suppose none of the above should be a surprise when you consider this

Please read my previous post about the history of our healthcare system. 

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