Thursday 25 March 2021

You don't want to be experimented on? No education allowed! Welcome to Fascism?

Rutgers to require students be vaccinated for in-person classes

- Covid disease is less of a risk to under 70s than flu

- We have safe and effective treatments and methods to reduce risk even further (Vitamin D, Ivermectin, etc)

- Many have already had the virus without realizing it 

- The jabs cause short term harms in many, and there's no long term safety data

- More variants make jabs even more pointless

Clearly, we live in an anti-science age!

Industry + Oligarchy + Government + Media work together to control the narrative and manufacture false scientific consensuses; in order to control and exploit people + planet. That's the norm.

We must resist!

The war on Covid is the new 'war on terror', 'war on drugs', etc. The latest corporate scam. They'll make it go on forever, if they can. Read this

The root causes of poor health - environmental toxicity/nutritional deficiencies/weakened immune systems - will continuously be ignored, and instead things will be made worse and worse, for the benefit of industry and the power-crazed oligarchy.

This is worth listening to as well. A Holocaust survivor's take on today's events. 

I really cannot believe people that are still putting up with the life-destroying hell that’s been imposed on us for a year, and counting.

When will the pandemic of irrationality, confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, and pseudoscience, end? 

Please god take me to the 1960s when people were more sane and less hypnotised and controlled by propaganda! Life went on as normal during the Hong Kong Flu of 1968. Today, our only way out is to abuse children with toxic masks and jab babies/the entire human race? The only (final?) solution is to make second class citizens of those who’d like to maintain body sovereignty and avoid unnecessary, unsafe, experimental products developed by the most criminal entities in the world?! Are we living in a giant cult? Fascism?

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