Tuesday 22 September 2020

Is this our future?

Expect mass depression and suicides if this is the future. Who the hell wants to live like this?

The solution to viruses that threaten unhealthy people is surely to protect those people, and enable and encourage them to heal and get as healthy as possible. Ultimately I think we need to revolutionise the poisonous, ecocidal food system with regenerative agriculture, but in the short term - let’s allow vulnerable people to take early retirement, let's make it free to see a nutritionist, let's address widespread Vitamin D deficiency.

The solution is surely NOT to shut down the world, cause famines, implement police states, cover our faces with toxic polyester, distance ourselves from nature, force elderly people to die alone, enrich billionaires, destroy small businesses, hinder people from getting treatment for other illnesses, make everyone fearful and anxious, fuel domestic violence, and spend $trillions rolling out rushed, ineffective, potentially unsafe vaccines from criminal pharma corporations.

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