Saturday 31 July 2021

CNN Doublespeak, and another 'conspiracy theory' acknowledged

See this tweet from CNN. 

 'Vaccination might be causing strains that the vaccines won't protect against'.

'We're not safe until everyone is vaccinated'.

Huh? Doublespeak! 

Some scientists have been warning about the possibility of mass jabbing causing ‘immune escape’ variants all year, but it was written off as misinformation by the pharma-aligned ‘fact checkers’ and $cientists, and those scientists were censored. 

'The unvaccinated' are currently being blamed for the apparent continuation of the pandemic. But if the above is true, and mass vaccination is creating immune escape variants, then it's possible that unvaccinated (and vaccinated) people are currently dying because of the vaccinated - rather than because they didn't get vaccinated! Should we be blaming 'the vaccinated' instead of 'the unvaccinated'?

Why didn’t authorities just focus on offering the jabs to the relatively small percentage of people who’re at some risk from Covid?! (After checking for natural immunity via antibody/T-cell test). Why did they decide to try and force them on everyone?! 

Why didn't their response involve safe, effective (and cheap) medications like Ivermectin, addressing nutrient deficiencies (namely Vitamin D/C), and enabling/encouraging everyone to eat a healthy whole foods diet? 

Instead they spent a year harming our health and immune systems, with forced isolation, stress, masks, etc. A year totally wasted because of a blinkered focus waiting for jabs, (that we didn't even know were going to come), and that may now cause more harm! But at least Big Pharma is making $billions!

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