Tuesday 27 July 2021

It's 'basic compassion' to go get 'the jab'

The other day, someone commented on Facebook that it is 'basic compassion' to get the Covid jab - even if you'd already had the infection, and gained immunity naturally! Below was my response.


I think it’s 'basic' anti-human science denial, and an unbelievable level of irrationality and safetyism that puts millions at needless risk from an unnecessary and experimental gene therapy (that seems to be harming/killing thousands of people). 

And then there is the possibility of unnecessary mass jabbing putting pressure on the virus and causing ‘immune escape’ variants making everything much worse. Too soon to know whether or not that is happening. (Though of course, any Covid uptick in winter will be blamed by media on the subhuman ‘unvaccinated’, rather than on more variants potentially caused by the vaccinated!).

No way in a million years, if I was elderly, would I want other people, let alone young people/kids, to get an injection on my behalf - especially those who already gained immunity naturally! I’d be completely horrified by that suggestion. Not only will I have had the opportunity to have the jab myself, (providing me with very good protection?), but I’d also have like a 95-99.999% chance of survival without it (depending on if and what commorbitiries I have), and I can have an effective treatment like Ivermectin at hand; and I can ensure I have optimum vitamin d/c etc. 

And, it doesn’t stop transmission!!!!! It was never tested for that. It may reduce it, if it reduces chance of symptoms (suggesting that widespread asymptomatic transmission is a myth?), but there’s plenty of other things you can do to reduce your chances of symptoms. Prophylactic ivermectin, healthy diet and lifestyle, sufficient vitamin d/c for a well-functioning immune system. I’ve been focussing on this. If governments were to do so, just imagine how much disease would be prevented, and not just Covid disease. Science and history seems clear that this would be the most effective approach (jabs played a very minor role historically, in disease reduction - the terrain is everything!). But nah, instead mandate immune system-wrecking isolation, fear and loneliness for a year and a half, and pollute people+planet with toxic masks and plastic, whilst giving all resources to pharma for a fancy new drug (requiring mass slaughter of sharks and crabs), for a mutating virus (vaccine is already failing), then force that drug on billions of people who don’t need it, so $billions can be made for a few. Brilliant. Welcome to Rockefeller 'healthcare'! (The Rockefeller Foundation hijacked healthcare about a century ago, forcing allopathic medicine on all, and suppressing natural health as 'quackery' etc. To benefit the corporate class and Big Pharma. I can recommend a good book about this).

For me it is the opposite of compassionate for humanity to be treating ourselves and others like we are currently; to be sending ourselves into a future of endless injections, and corporate control over our lives and bodies. It clearly is about serving certain powerful interests, not the interests of people+planet. Why is natural immunity ignored? (We’ve evolved with viruses since we’ve existed! We’re made partly of them! And natural immunity is more effective than jab-induced immunity). Why have treatments been suppressed and doctors prevented from treating patients? Why have the catastrophic harms (and inefficacy) of masks/lockdowns been ignored/downplayed? Why have the huge issues with PCR testing been ignored? Why has most dissent and scientific debate been censored, including about strategies and treatments that could've prevented most deaths? Why are those harmed by the jabs being ignored? Pfizer’s own trial with 12-17 year olds, in which they experimented on 1,100 kids, resulted in a life threatening reaction in at least one of those kids, who may now be permanently disabled. And that was from only one month of safety data!! Many other kids in the trial suffered too, less severely. Yet the media and (clearly captured) regulatory bodies call it safe?! Mortifying. But hey, I guess as long as 999 out of 1000 kids jabbed are seemingly fine, (with no immediate reaction at least), those harmed can easily be shunned and ignored. (Is this what always happens with vaccines?). 

Harming/killing thousands of people, including kids, ostensibly to reduce the chances of a small percentage of 80 year olds from dying, who're already mostly protected, and could be even more protected by other means, is not my idea of ‘basic compassion’. Invalidating natural immunity and the incredible capacity of our miraculous bodies, so that some companies can perpetually exploit them and profit off of them, is not my idea of 'basic compassion'. Nor do I think it is ‘basic compassion’ to traumatize kids and make them feel like dangerous vectors of disease, to force elderly folks to die alone, to shut down a fragile and exploitative global economy resulting in untold misery and hunger; to normalise isolation, separation and sterilisation - our bodies are ecosystems of ‘germs’, reliant on interaction with people/nature for diversity and good health!

To save lives, we’ve stopped living, and have actually caused god knows how many deaths in doing so, most of which won’t be apparent for a while. Take a look at how humanity responded to the Hong Kong Flu in 1968. Society did pretty much nothing - and few were interested in the jab that was developed then. What happened to us since then? Were they all 'selfish granny killers'? Or were they actually more rational? Were they less focussed on controlling that which cannot be controlled (at least without monumental collateral damage - including making people more susceptible to viral diseases!)? Did they value freedom and love over safetyism and fear?

I really can’t believe the virtue-signalling about jabs from those who’ve been silent about all of the above, and more. Especially when these jabs are experimental and lack any long term safety data. It’s really disturbing to me to see people pressure others into it, not even taking into account what autoimmune conditions they might already have, for example. It’s impossible to know whether there will be long term harms (along with the already-apparent short term harms and deaths). Scientists do not have a time machine. The inventor of mRNA vaccines has warned about their safety, but I suppose he has now been discounted by the propaganda machine as another conspiracy theorist. Mental. 

The jabs should be offered to all with appropriate informed consent (definitely not happening), and that should be the end of it! We all agree with bodily autonomy, yes? We are all opposed to forcing drugs on people, yes? Let alone experimental ones developed by some of the most deceitful, negligent, criminal corporations on earth. We all respect other people’s rights to have different beliefs about how good health is achieved, both individually and societally, yes? 

Personally, I’ll be doing whatever I can to avoid any products from the criminal entities that fuelled this hell with their suppression of non-patentable treatments, their psychologically torturous and deadly isolation; their abusive, toxic masking/jabbing of millions of kids; their total lack of risk/benefit analysis; their denial of natural immunity; their constant suppression of any data and science that threatens Big Pharma interests; their constant fear-mongering exaggeration of the actual prevalence and lethality of the disease, (whilst basically telling people that there’s nothing they can do to reduce their - already tiny - chances of severe illness, other than waiting for a jab. Talk about dangerous misinformation).

I’ll continue doing what I can to keep companies that experiment on poor kids in the ‘developing’ world, that routinely manipulate 'the science and release unsafe meds onto the public, suppress natural medicine, and have little understanding of how to achieve good health, as far away from my body as possible!

Bloody counterproductive horror-show, especially what it’s done to global poverty and hunger. One of the greatest crimes against humanity ever. I’ll always be ashamed and embarrassed that I went along with it to start with!

I totally accept that others feels differently, and that's fine. But for me, I really feel as though one of the purposes of my life is to play some small part in resisting the path that humanity is on, towards mandated drugs, greater and greater centralised, totalitarian control; transhumanism, bio-fascism, etc. A future in which we must go and get the latest injection and show ‘health passes’ if we want to live our lives?! This is a horrifying new kind of fascism. (Fyi a decent journalist to follow regarding all this is Whitney Webb).

I’m totally content to die on this hill, as are millions, or perhaps billions, of others. What will be done with us eventually, I wonder? I think people+planet are completely fucked if we don’t drastically change course, take a root-cause approach to poor health, start moving closer to the natural, not further away. We are nature, not machines. Mainstream science needs to catch up, quick, to what we now know about the microbiome etc. 

(Also another reason, of many, that I’ll be avoiding the jab, is that I’ve got a yet-to-be diagnosed issue with my heart, and we know that the jabs have caused heart problems).

I hope we can at least agree that we all mean well, even if we profoundly disagree.

Ugh, I made a NY resolution to stop engaging in debates on here. Not good for my health. You’re welcome to reply if you like, and I‘ll read and consider whatever you say, providing you’ve done the same, (I’d love to be wrong about everything!), but I won’t be responding again.

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