Sunday 31 October 2021

Africans are crying out for vaccines? Really?

In South Africa, just 20% of the population has chosen to get jabbed, despite wide availability. Given that South Africa is seemingly the only country in Africa badly affected by Covid, that percentage will likely be even lower in other African countries.

But many in the west, including supposedly anti-racist intellectuals like Noam Chomsky, are convinced that Africans are desperate for them, and they want those who decline, discriminated against/persecuted! No vaccine passport and travel allowed for them. Access to restaurants and shops to be denied too?

Horrific!! I guess they all need to be civilised? They just need to be educated into understanding western ‘science’? ($cience/scientism). 


Yes sure, these injections should be available to all who want them, providing proper informed consent. All African countries should have access to them. But isn’t it clear that the injections come as part of a package, which includes mandates, passports and immense misinformation (lack of informed consent)?

Effectively forcing western style healthcare onto everyone on earth; preventing those who decline, or who can’t afford it, from traveling, is a discriminatory, tyrannical and white supremacist endeavor, that is being imposed by the most criminal corporations and entities on earth. 

Along with the rest of ‘the unvaccinated’, in the US and Europe etc, are hundreds of millions of Africans going to be condemned and persecuted, by the vaccinated, for refusing to sign up to a lifetime of regular and unnecessary injections, the long-term harms of which cannot be known, but that already seem to be harming and killing many thousands of people? Or will we join with Africans and others in resisting the new colonialism? This time, the colonization of the human body. 

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