Saturday 25 January 2020

Another anti-centrist rant

Let’s all just pretend this never happened, eh?

And by the end of 2017, Labour were polling as high as 45%!

But we lost momentum. We lost trust. We went from being anti-establishment to being perceived as establishment.

How did this happen?

Mostly, in my opinion, thanks to centrist wreckers who always considered a bit of anti-imperialist socialism as just as much of a threat as Brexit.

So they did everything possible to push Labour into a Brexit position that anyone who bothered to look at the stats knew was electoral suicide.

As well as doing that, they also joined in with elite media/far-right smears against the movement. They should’ve been uniting with the movement in trying to focus on real issues - climate change, the NHS, austerity, the economic system that is destroying us all - but instead, they refused, and constantly smeared and attacked us instead.

And now that the movement has, thanks to all that, unsurprisingly failed to win an election, they blame it all on the movement/Corbyn! Shameless!

‘Centrists’ are a nightmare! Their ignorance and cognitive dissonance will continue to prevent radical change to save the planet.

(NB, I am not saying that the leadership didn’t make big mistakes. They absolutely did. But the centrists/Blairites really made things impossible).

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