Saturday 11 January 2020

Western 'freedom' = the freedom to be censored!

Donald Trump can tweet threats of genocide; he can tweet boastfully of assassinating foreign leaders; he can be overtly racist... and Twitter let’s him get away with it.

But if you’re a leader of a country targeted by the US, or if you’re just citizens/journalists in that country, who’re speaking out against US imperial efforts against your people, there’s a good chance that these social media corporations will censor you - as Twitter has done today with Iran’s Ayotollah.

Twitter has done the same with Venezuela’s Maduro, Syria’s Assad, Chinese accounts, Cuban accounts, etc.

And Facebook is now censoring anyone who dares to show support for those who oppose US imperialism - like Iran’s Soleimani, who led the fight against ISIS/al Qaeda in Iraq, but who Trump had assassinated for threatening US interests in the region (oil etc). YouTube doing similar.

We must not show solidarity with those who are targeted and murdered for no reason other than their refusal to serve the interests of western regimes.

We must support the imperial occupation and pillaging of resource-rich countries.

Or else face censorship and suppression.

They say we have freedom in the west. What we have is the freedom for billionaires and corporations, and the politicians who they corrupt/are in league with, to control us, so that they can continue plundering and destroying the planet.

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