Tuesday 20 August 2019

Bolsonaro, the Amazon Rainforest, and Western Imperialism

Far-right rulers like Bolsonaro in Brazil, who will gladly destroy the Amazon Rainforest for profit, are an inevitable consequence of a US-imposed neoliberal world order that disempowers the masses, empowers greedy, psychotic elites, and prioritises profits above all else. Only collective action and socialism can end this destruction.

Ask yourself - would you destroy our environment, bomb children in Yemen, starve Iranians and Venezuelans to death, plunder resources from indigenous peoples, etc, just to make a few quid? No, of course you bloody wouldn’t!

We’re not in control. A few psychopaths, and their psychopathic system, are.


Of note...

US imperialism has already killed millions, often suppressing progressive, leftist movements around the world in pursuit of resources and profit, and it is literally going to destroy the planet. We must stop it. Again - WE MUST TAKE CONTROL, from the imperialists, the capitalist elites, the planet-killing corporations. The only way we can do this is to embrace socialism. We’ll need a huge amount of political will to take on (and takeover) these destructive powerful forces that currently rule our world, and to radically change the system. And this will require massive grassroots movements, gutsy activism, and bold socialist leadership. We need an awakening of our consciences, and we need unity.


Condemnation From Western Capitalists Is Meaningless

French President, Emmanuel Macron, has suddenly decided that France will refuse to sign the EU trade deal with Brazil. For anyone to believe that the neoliberal Macron is the guy to confront capitalist plunder of the planet is quite frankly nuts. Why has he only just now decided to oppose the trade deal? Has he only just discovered how horrifying Bolsonaro is? No, of course not. He already knew this. There was just not public outcry about it before. The man clearly has zero principles and is in politics for the prestige, the power, the money.

Canadian President, Justin Trudeau, has also spoken out about what is happening. But has he expressed the kind of venom towards the overtly fascistic and ecodial, Bolsonaro, as he did towards the socialist Maduro in Venezuela, whom he called a 'brutal dictator'? No.

Compare the actions of Macron and Trudeau (and other neoliberal leaders/states) towards Brazil, to the actions they have taken towards Venezuela, where they have supported the US coup attempt, sanctions, and the recognition of right-wing Guaido as President. Why are there no calls for sanctions against Brazil? Why don't they recognise the politically persecuted, Lula, as President? Perhaps because socialism is the FAR greater threat, to the neoliberal world order, than fascism - which is pretty great for capitalism?

Western elites developed the western world by plundering the planet, ignoring the environmental impact and causing the climate crisis we now face. They continue to do so - as demonstrated by the targeting of oil rich Venezuela. So it is pure hypocrisy for them to condemn others for doing so. It enables Bolsonaro to justifiably accuse the west of having a ‘colonialist mentality’.

Until there is revolutionary socialist change in the west, and until we atone for our many sins, (by cancelling debts, sharing wealth etc), any outcry from our governments about non-western countries doing what the west has been doing for centuries, is unfortunately, worthless.

Obviously this doesn’t mean that we, NGOs, the UN, etc, shouldn't speak out about it - I’m just referring to capitalist western governments/elites. But what we need to speak out about most is our own government's criminality; about western imperialism, as it is that which fuels the rise of Bolsonaro's ilk!

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