Monday 19 August 2019

Western MSM is a Matrix of pro-US Empire Propaganda

Why is all of this barely being reported in western mass media:

Protests and human rights abuses (including the murder of environmentalists/LGBT activists) in Honduras, where a US-backed coup in 2009 installed a virtual dictatorship.

Protests in Brazil, following the imprisonment on false charges of popular left-wing leader, Lula, which led to the election of proud fascist Bolsonaro, who is threatening journalists, killing indigenous people, destroying the Amazon rainforest for profit, etc.

Protests and repression in Haiti, where the US has long been meddling and imposing disaster capitalism.

Yellow Vest protests in France, which have been ongoing for about 40 consecutive weeks, and in which several protestors have been killed, thousands injured, and thousands arrested.

Protests and human rights abuses in West Papua.

Protests in Ecuador against their neoliberal President.

Protests in Chile, where the President has declared war on the protestors and deployed tanks into cities - 22 have so far been killed.


All of the above protest movements are directed at regimes that were installed by/are closely tied with, the US.

Meanwhile, protests in Hong Kong/Russia/Venezuela, have been all over MSM. All of these protest movements are directed at regimes that are ‘enemies’ of the US. And all of these protest movements are being fuelled by the US - via the National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA off-shoot.

So basically...

Protests against regimes that are supported by the US/western capitalist interests are underreported.

Protests that are against US enemies and that are being orchestrated/fuelled by the CIA, are widely reported.

Also, the way in which the protests are framed will often be different depending on whether they are directed at US-proxy regimes. For example, it's more likely that a confrontation between protestors and authorities will be described as a 'crackdown', when those authorities are a target of the US, and 'clashes', when they are not.

And many things will be almost completely ignored - like Venezuelan rallies in support of Maduro. Like the fact that illegal US sanctions are killing tens of thousands. Like millions of Venezuelans signing a letter denouncing US imperialism. Like the fact that some anti-government protestors in Venezuela have been extremely violent, even burning people alive. Etc.

And of course, neoliberal politicians in the west push all of this propaganda, and will be far more likely to call for an investigation into government criminality if that government is a target of the west. See here how liberal EU politician, Guy Verhofstadt, calls for an investigation into state oppression in Hong Kong, but meanwhile he is silent about the (far worse) oppression in France.

And of course, the fact that the US/western agencies are meddling all over the place either goes completely unmentioned, or is framed in such a way as to justify it.

Western MSM is a matrix of pro-US Empire/neoliberal globalist propaganda. Please avoid! Instead, try:

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