Thursday 12 March 2020

Tory/centrist austerity, and capitalism in general, makes us vulnerable to crises

Coronavirus is now a pandemic, western countries having failed to contain it as China did.

In the UK, not only do we have a government that is failing to address the crisis, but we are also less able to do so than we otherwise could have been, thanks to a decade of completely unnecessary austerity, imposed by capitalists for the benefit of the few, massively damaging our public services/infrastructure.

Capitalism, with it’s elite rule, monopolisation, hoarding, individualism, exploitation, war, extreme inequality... putting profit before people+planet... is the greatest pandemic of all.

Has the last 40 years of neoliberalism killed any sense of solidarity? With Italy struggling to cope with an outbreak of the virus, more than any other country in Europe thus far, it was China that offered aid, not fellow EU countries!

And is there any chance that the EU, and the US, will be ending their economic war on countries like Syria, Venezuela, Iran...? Sanctions kill at the best of times! Even worse now.

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