Saturday 8 February 2020

Keir Starmer - What are Labour members thinking?

Read here.

Who does Keir Starmer not like prosecuting? War criminals.

Who does Keir Starmer like prosecuting? Journalists who expose those war criminals. And also student protestors, and leftists.

This is the man who is probably going to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader.

It seems that Labour members have decided that for the left to win power again, we must no longer be the left. Sad, not only because it’s a total misdiagnosis as to why we lost, but also because the planet needs us to be radical. And because it’s just wrong - bland centrism won’t beat Johnson.

[CORRECTION: The above might not be true. Let's hope so).


Keir Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission, an alliance of US/European/Japanese imperialists whose purpose is to advance the hegemony of western corporations and prevent democracy.


Keir Starmer is undecided about whether or not we should bomb kids in Yemen, and about whether or not we should seriously address the climate crisis.


Keir Starmer refuses to publish full list of donors before voting begins.


Keir was literally head of the CPS as it conspired to extend the persecution of (multi-award winning, world-renowned journalist) Julian Assange.

When Sweden was going to drop the sexual assault investigation into Assange, Keir’s CPS persuaded them not to, telling Swedish prosecutors not to treat it as ‘just another extradition’.

But in an interview today, he says there’s no conspiracy going on against Assange!

Another lying sociopath like Blair for Labour leader? Great.


- sounds like he will follow America’s lead on China

- he has faith in our security services

- he wants Alastair Campbell back in the party. (Those who expose war criminals should face trial and potentially be extradited to the US for execution, whilst the war criminals should be welcomed into Labour, eh Keir?).


Unlike Rebecca Long-Bailey (and Richard Burgon), Keir Starmer has not responded to Stop The War Coalition.


Has Keir Starmer reached out to any new, independent media, or is he only doing interviews with the media outlets that just spent years waging a relentless smear campaign against Corbyn/Labour?

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