Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Imagine Russia and China Did What NATO Does

Imagine Russia and China formed a military alliance - their version of NATO - then started waging wars around the world, and doing covert coups in France, Mexico, Canada, etc, installing fascist puppet regimes, building 800 military bases, putting troops near US borders, pulling out of arms treaties, and then imposing economic sanctions on the US and the UK.

How would the US and the UK respond?

We’ve been conditioned to see Putin as the imperialist menace, when it really could not be more obvious that the US/NATO is the menace.

Read here: US Wars and Hostile Actions, a List. 

Here: John Pilger, Why the Rise of Fascism is Again The Issue

And here: Russia’s got a point: The U.S. broke a NATO promise.

Some common accusations:

Putin invaded Georgia! Putin invaded Crimea! Putin destroyed Syria!

The reality:

- an EU-backed report found the US-backed regime in Georgia responsible.

- the US supported a coup in Ukraine that empowered neo-Nazis, so Crimeans voted (overwhelmingly) to rejoin Russia.

- Russia fought US-backed sectarian extremists (al Qaeda and other groups) in Syria. Had they not done so, a secular country would have fallen to those extremists.

It’s vital that we debunk this myth that Russia is a threat to us - ditto China. The evidence points to Russian foreign policy being defensive, rather than aggressive. And unlike the west, with its nonsense ‘rules based order’, Russia has demonstrated a far greater respect for international law.

What Russia actually threatens is the global hegemony of western corporations, banks, oligarchs. This is why Russia, like any other country that stands in the way of that hegenomy, is demonized. (Plus, having a bogeyman is obviously great for weapons contractors, security services, and to justify more authoritarian measures to eradicate civil liberties and have more control over the populace).

We should all want to end that hegemony. Western exceptionalism is a monstrous, supremacist, racist myth. Western imperialism is literally destroying the world, via devastating wars, and the imposition of neoliberal economics and industrial agriculture. (At least Russia is going organic!). And now, once again, it leads us closer to nuclear Armageddon. We will never be able to live in harmony with nature - which we absolutely must do - with this incredibly malevolent, plunderous force in the world.

The current, ecocidal economic system is reliant on these myths for its survival. So none of the above can be written in the media or spoken by our politicians. They’d be fired/relentlessly attacked - see the treatment of Jeremy Corbyn, for being ‘anti-west’. A huge amount of cognitive dissonance and sociopathy is required by all in positions of power and influence.

Late stage capitalism is proving to be very totalitarian. Truth and dissent not allowed. We must speak out now, whilst we can. The internet provided us with an opportunity for a massive expansion in consciousness, but it is increasingly being taken away from us, with information that threatens the status quo being filtered out, just as it is in the traditional media.

We can change things if we become more aware, and if we come together and demand change. A new system and a new world is possible.

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