Tuesday, 21 July 2020

The 'Russia Report'

A sane, informed society would have one look at these ‘experts’ and then take the ‘Russia Report’ about as seriously as a report claiming to have found proof that the earth is flat.

The purpose of this report is not to end oligarchical influence.

Quite the opposite: the purpose of it is to demonize Russia and fuel the western oligarchy’s war on that country (and on the rest of the world not yet under its control).

Here's some info about those 'experts':

Bill Browder: a corrupt liar accused of murder. Watch this documentary.

Christopher Steele: ex-spy who wrote the ludicrous and discredited ‘Steele dossier’.

Christopher Donnelly: head of UK government-funded propaganda outfit.

Edward Lucas: Neocon hack.

Anne Applebaum: Neocon hack.

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