I've just discovered Zach Bush. He's a physician who basically seems to argue that most human illnesses are as a result of our not living in harmony with Mother Earth.
Here, he argues that viruses are crucial to life, and have been for millions of years. We wouldn't have evolved without them. In the case of COVID19, he argues, that the deadly reaction is not due to exposure to the virus itself, but is actually due to the combination of exposure to the virus plus exposure to glysophate (pesticides), air pollution, and many common medications. These meddle with our bodies' natural ability to handle it.
There are many other mind-blowing claims in this podcast, which I will be looking into! I'll update below.
I've decided I'm going to keep a log here of all 'alternative medicine' info that I come across. I've become more interested in this, since watching this documentary, about indigenous people in Columbia, who live to a very old age, without modern medicine, and free from industrial agriculture. Could it be that all our health problems are ultimately a result of our disconnection from, and plunder of, the earth?
Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Watch this documentary.
Zach's Bush supplement, Restore
Read here. Buy here.
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