Monday 9 August 2021

More thoughts regarding adverse reactions and segregation

Hundreds of thousands of severe adverse reactions reported. Neurological disorders, in particular. And mostly women - which fits with what I've seen anecdotally from victims sharing their stories on social media, (before being deleted by the 'fact checkers'. Nice). 

And this is just in the EU. What's the figure globally?

If this isn't enough to make you horrified by, and vehemently opposed to, any coercive/mandatory jabbing, (particularly of children!), then you really have lost your mind.

If you‘d rather take the risk with a new drug that is harming so many and that lacks any long-term safety data whatsoever, than with viruses that we’ve been evolving with for millions of years, then go for it!! Each to their own! The risk may be worth it for many. 

But it’s really bloody selfish, weird, and just kinda sick, to think you’ve a right to force others to do so, and to discriminate against those who decline. (Even those who're already naturally immune!! Which we now have strong evidence to suggest is far more effective than jab immunity. Isn’t it immoral to deny those who want it, the opportunity to gain natural immunity? Especially if it’s more effective?! And given the risks that come with the more limited antibody-focussed immunity that you get from a jab, which may wear off?).

And if your argument is, 'we need to do that to protect the vulnerable'. Sorry, but I very much doubt any of these vulnerable people would be so selfish as to be cool with forcing loads of youngsters to take a drug against their will, that will severely harm some of them! Especially when these vulnerable people have had the jab, (and even without the jab, had like a 95% chance of survival - which could've been increased further had there actually been any effort to address vitamin deficiencies, and use non-patentable, cheap drugs like Ivermectin). 

Oh, and don’t forget the fact that these jabs do not stop transmission! By reducing symptoms, they’ll limit it, I assume, but there’s other things people can do to reduce their chances of symptoms. (Where are the studies comparing transmission rates between groups who have sufficient Vitamin D/C levels and good metabolic health, and those who don’t?).

The world is going just a tad Nazi. Resistance needed, or it may get much worse. Who the hell wants a world in which we can't have a life unless we've had the latest injection?! (And what else might become mandatory?). We can't do anything without being tested? 'Sick' until proven 'healthy'?

It's a pathological nightmare, and a deranged level of safetyism, that will actually harm our health, and is making life not worth living!

We all want to keep control over our bodies and health, right? 


Are the jabs actually preventing deaths? Maybe. Watch this. Are they currently more harmful than helpful, on a population level, because they're being given to so many who don't need them? Quite possibly. (And those deaths that they may be preventing, could most likely have been prevented, along with perhaps most of the other deaths that occurred before these jabs came along, had we put some effort into addressing the vitamin deficiencies etc!!).

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