Monday 9 August 2021

The new segregation

'The CDC reported today that only 28.4% of the black community have received the Covid vaccine. With states like CA and NY mandating vaccine passports to enter restaurants and businesses, the black community would be most affected by this modern day segregation'.

Why do black Americans tend to be more 'vaccine hesitant'? Maybe because they have some self respect? Maybe they'd rather take the risk with Covid (and protect themselves by other means) than accept 'help' from those who've oppressed them for centuries? Isn't it extremely racist to try and deny them the right to do this?


What did most ‘anti-racists’ do as the racist corporate state, at behest of racist Big Pharma/oligarchy, imposed a new segregation to coerce black people into undergoing an experimental medical procedure against their will, that would kill/harm many of them? Oh, they did nothing.

What did those who usually preach, 'my body my choice', do as the world's most rapacious capitalists and their puppet politicians started discriminating against those who opt out of their medicines? Oh, they were cool with it.

What did those who claim to respect science do as science was consistently abused, suppressed and denied throughout 2020/2021? Oh, they assisted with it.

What did most ‘anti-capitalists’ do as the most criminal capitalists took over the world and imposed global bio-fascism? Oh, they cheered for it.


The fact that all these terrifying people who're happy to accept 'jab passes' aren't even speaking up for those who've literally been told by their doctors that they shouldn't get the jab for health reasons, is telling.

It seems they're happy to discriminate against those with illnesses. And against black people.

And they deny natural immunity.

Covid cultists: fascistic, racist science deniers. Unthinking puppets of pharma/oligarchy.

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