Monday 7 October 2019

Trump Abandons the Kurds

Trump has announced that the US is moving its troops in northern Syria, where they have been occupying and working with the Kurds in fighting ISIS.

There is outrage about this across the board, from far-right neocons, liberals, and others.

If the US was an honest broker in the region, interested in peace, it would have encouraged a deal between the Kurds and the Syrian government, to allow Syria to retake all its northern territory (in exchange for significant Kurdish autonomy).

But since 2011, the US has prevented this, as it has been focussed on its monstrous, regime change, jihadist proxy war against Syria, (which was largely responsible for the formation of ISIS in the first place). If this regime change attempt had been successful, Syria would have become a failed state similar to Libya following NATO's removal of Gaddafi. The jihadist 'rebels' would have run riot over the country and ethnically cleansed the Kurds and all other non-Wahhabi Sunni Syrians.

Where was the liberal outrage about this?

The US is a consistently destructive presence. Yes, Trump's decision absolutely leaves the Kurds at risk from Turkey, but it is not just Trump’s withdrawal that is responsible for the situation today. The US's self-interested policy in the region has consistently undermined and hope of peace.

Lesson for all: never ally with or trust the Americans. It’s a shame the Kurds didn’t learn this lesson after the Reagan administration backed Saddam Hussein in bombing them with chemical weapons in the 1980s, after the Clinton administration armed Turkey as they slaughtered them in the 1990s, etc.

US foreign policy is and always has been entirely self-interested. They do whatever will advance their domination of the world and its resources, with no regard for human rights and international law.

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