Tuesday 22 October 2019

Bolivia latest target of US Empire?

Under the leadership of Evo Morales, Bolivia rejected neoliberal economics, which the US has long been violently imposing around the world, via regime change wars, covert interventions, and sanctions - starting with the regime change operation in Chile in the 1970s that brought the neoliberal fascist, Pinochet, to power.

Instead of mass privatizations and IMF loans (debt enslavement), Evo's government nationalized the oil, thus ensuring sovereignty over their resources, and, via significant state intervention in the economy, focussed on empowering indigenous people and the working class, reducing poverty, on investing in projects to tackle climate change, etc. As a result, Bolivia is one of the fastest growing economies in the region.

Evo has just narrowly won a fourth term as President, and anti-Evo protests - led by neoliberal opposition leader Carlos Mesa - are kicking off. So be prepared for anti-Evo propaganda in the neoliberal western media.

As they do in all countries that reject western neoliberal domination, the US has been meddling in Bolvian affairs since Evo came to power. They want to stir up protest, and bring the neoliberal opposition back to power.

The capitalist west wants Evo's government toppled just as they want the socialistic government in Venezuela toppled. They want the resources re-privatised and the people exploited by multi-national corporations, for the benefit of elites. They do not want the world seeing what a bit of socialism can achieve, especially in Latin America - the US's 'backyard', where they've a long history of all kinds of monstrous interventions.

Evo is also loudly anti-American imperialism on the world stage. Here's a video of him slamming Trump at the UN.

Western media will likely now try and exploit any faults in his leadership, along with the upper class discontent, to manufacture consent for further regime change operations, in the hope that a neoliberal can come to power and be a loyal servant of western capital. Just be aware!


Update 11/09

Protests have gotten worse - earlier today protestors broke into the presidential palace.

Predictably, western/neoliberal countries are demanding recounts or new elections. But Evo has the support of leftists governments of Mexico, Argentina, and Venezuela and Cuba, and I imagine, much of the rest of the world bar US Empire!

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