To 'help the community' during a health crisis that threatens those with poor nutrition and metabolic health, we must ignore the actual causes of the crisis; suppress cheap, effective treatments; destroy millions of lives by shutting down the (fragile, globalized) economy with completely experimental lockdowns; force everyone, including toddlers, to have dirt and their bodily excretions sitting in front of their faces; compromise everyone's immune systems with stress, loneliness, lack of sun, (and those masks); close the gyms and limit exercise; and then, every six months or so, force the entire human race to undergo an experimental medical procedure with no long-term safety data.
Oh and of course, we must experiment on babies.
As if traumatising kids for a year wasn’t enough, with masks and separation; by conditioning them to fear each other, and basically life itself; now ‘the experts’ want to harm them with these jabs, that we know cause horrible reactions in many, are untested as to how they react with other medications and jabs, and that lack any long-term safety data. For a virus that is virtually no threat to anyone under 70/without commorbidities. (How about we focus on healing those commorbidities?!).
Will they at least be testing kids for t-cell immunity before this horror show begins? I doubt it.
And yeh I know the arguments in favour - ‘we must stop them transmitting it to granny’ etc.
Maybe we should ask all grannies to vote on how they feel about this being done to their grandkids? And while we’re at it, how about we ask them how they feel about having their lives ruined for a year too, many being forced to die alone, because of a disease that even for them, is a low risk and can be avoided with Vitamin D, decent diet, and drugs like Ivermectin?
How about we actually make people feel empowered over their own bodies and health - and ensure they have the means to be able to do so - rather than constantly conditioning them to feel like helpless victims reliant on intervention from those who seek to profit off our bodies?
Oh, and the jabs have not been shown to prevent transmission. The trials were not designed to show that. But no doubt, 'the experts' and their PR machine will be selectively picking out a few correlations soon, to 'prove' that they do.
Read this.