Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Gandhi was a rabid 'anti-vaxxer'!

Read this.

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“Its supporters are not content with its adoption by those who have no objection to it, but seek to impose it with the aid of penal laws and rigorous punishments on all people alike.” - Mahatma Gandhi

If  Gandhi was around today, he'd be reviled! And not just by those in power!

Vaccine deaths; possible genocide?

Read this.

Given that a huge percentage of the global populace has now come into contact with the virus, with natural immunity present/gained, (and given that we have safe and effective treatments!), to call for the mass vaccination of the entire global populace, is surely a call for genocide?


The non ‘developed’ world is suffering less with Covid surely precisely because they’re yet to be exploited (‘developed’) to the extent that the western world is, with our toxic food/water/air, obesity, chronic diseases, etc. Instead of learning from this; from them, the plan is to force them all to undergo an experimental medical procedure that will kill some of them, (and for which we have no long term safety data whatsoever)?! All for the benefit of the exploiters; big pharma etc?

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Colonising menaces push for vaccine passports

Read this

Colonising menaces!

And who’s been pushing for ‘vaccine passports’? Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation! (Along with other fine people, like Tony Blair). 


The elites pushing for these passports are the same elites who poison people+planet with toxic agriculture etc, fueling susceptibility to all kinds of diseases, including Covid. They're also the same folks who've ignored/suppressed effective Covid treatments for the last year. And ignored the catastrophic impact of forcibly shutting down our lives - and ignored all evidence that these lockdowns haven't actually even prevented any Covid deaths. 

It should be pretty obvious that this has nothing to do with our health!

What purpose do they serve? 

They effectively mandate pharma's products, and thus, perpetual profits. New jab for every bloody variant?! A monumental experiment on humankind.

They encourage us to avoid getting to the root of disease - the toxic environment imposed by oligarchy/industry. (God forbid we focus on healing and boosting people's immune systems, which would protect against all variants! How would industry profit off our sickness?).

They create digital IDs by the backdoor, so we can be monitored, exploited and controlled like never before. Essential for ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’. 

They marginalise and discriminate against those who dare to try and exist outside of the plutocracy’s obscenely violent, destructive systems. Soon to become 'the unclean'?


Is this the future we're headed towards?

Monday, 29 March 2021

Vax passports in the works for years

Vaccine passports have been in the works for years. Pushed by pharma, who effectively get their highly profitable products mandated, and by the likes of the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates, who’re constantly seeking greater control over everything. 

I really have no idea what planet you need to be on to think this has something to do with our health and safety!

Are we really going to let the most criminal entities in the world decide what happens to our bodies? And make second class citizens of those who resist and have a different view of the collective good? (One that actually involves healing and improving people’s health and immune systems, and not relying on poorly tested medical procedures with no long term safety data that cause short term harms in many!). 

Even if you somehow think mass jabbing of the entire human race for a mutating virus that’s been going around for two years is somehow appropriate and logical(?!), a passport is a recipe for a global apartheid, in which only those countries that can afford the jabs, will have full rights, and it will force them to focus resources on something that is hardly a priority (most 'developing' countries have barely noticed any affect from Covid!). 

Madness! All because of a virus that can be dealt with easily by the vast majority and for which we have effective treatments (that have been suppressed by these entities now pushing for jab passports).

Read this

The Sugar Conspiracy - scientists not immune to corruption and human nature!

Just blindly trust ‘the experts’.  Ignore the fact we live in a world where a few corporations and oligarchs have immense power and influence over media and science. Ignore history. Ignore human disposition to herd mentality/groupthink.

Insanity!! We now have the internet. We can research and think for ourselves! But most don't bother.

Read here about how 'the experts' were disastrously wrong regarding saturated fat and sugar. Yet another example of ‘the science’ completely ignoring entire areas of the world/data that didn't suit a predetermined conclusion. And all those dissenting from the manufactured consensus, attacked. Sound familiar? 

When will the pandemic of confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, corrupt pseudoscience, and propaganda, end?

How can anyone possibly be cool with 'the experts' mandating what happens to our bodies, which is effectively what 'vaccine passports' will do? These so-called experts are currently ludicrously insisting that vaccine-induced immunity is more effective than naturally-acquired immunity; that they know better than millions of years of evolution!

Thursday, 25 March 2021

You don't want to be experimented on? No education allowed! Welcome to Fascism?

Rutgers to require students be vaccinated for in-person classes

- Covid disease is less of a risk to under 70s than flu

- We have safe and effective treatments and methods to reduce risk even further (Vitamin D, Ivermectin, etc)

- Many have already had the virus without realizing it 

- The jabs cause short term harms in many, and there's no long term safety data

- More variants make jabs even more pointless

Clearly, we live in an anti-science age!

Industry + Oligarchy + Government + Media work together to control the narrative and manufacture false scientific consensuses; in order to control and exploit people + planet. That's the norm.

We must resist!

The war on Covid is the new 'war on terror', 'war on drugs', etc. The latest corporate scam. They'll make it go on forever, if they can. Read this

The root causes of poor health - environmental toxicity/nutritional deficiencies/weakened immune systems - will continuously be ignored, and instead things will be made worse and worse, for the benefit of industry and the power-crazed oligarchy.

This is worth listening to as well. A Holocaust survivor's take on today's events. 

I really cannot believe people that are still putting up with the life-destroying hell that’s been imposed on us for a year, and counting.

When will the pandemic of irrationality, confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, and pseudoscience, end? 

Please god take me to the 1960s when people were more sane and less hypnotised and controlled by propaganda! Life went on as normal during the Hong Kong Flu of 1968. Today, our only way out is to abuse children with toxic masks and jab babies/the entire human race? The only (final?) solution is to make second class citizens of those who’d like to maintain body sovereignty and avoid unnecessary, unsafe, experimental products developed by the most criminal entities in the world?! Are we living in a giant cult? Fascism?

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

The Fat Myth

 Read this and watch this.

Another major scientific fraud, that became 'the science', thanks to industry influence and government corruption/incompetence? 

Friday, 19 March 2021

Covid vaccines for babies?!?!

To 'help the community' during a health crisis that threatens those with poor nutrition and metabolic health, we must ignore the actual causes of the crisis; suppress cheap, effective treatments; destroy millions of lives by shutting down the (fragile, globalized) economy with completely experimental lockdowns; force everyone, including toddlers, to have dirt and their bodily excretions sitting in front of their faces; compromise everyone's immune systems with stress, loneliness, lack of sun, (and those masks); close the gyms and limit exercise; and then, every six months or so, force the entire human race to undergo an experimental medical procedure with no long-term safety data.

Oh and of course, we must experiment on babies

As if traumatising kids for a year wasn’t enough, with masks and separation; by conditioning them to fear each other, and basically life itself; now ‘the experts’ want to harm them with these jabs, that we know cause horrible reactions in many, are untested as to how they react with other medications and jabs, and that lack any long-term safety data. For a virus that is virtually no threat to anyone under 70/without commorbidities. (How about we focus on healing those commorbidities?!).

Will they at least be testing kids for t-cell immunity before this horror show begins? I doubt it.

And yeh I know the arguments in favour - ‘we must stop them transmitting it to granny’ etc.

Maybe we should ask all grannies to vote on how they feel about this being done to their grandkids? And while we’re at it, how about we ask them how they feel about having their lives ruined for a year too, many being forced to die alone, because of a disease that even for them, is a low risk and can be avoided with Vitamin D, decent diet, and drugs like Ivermectin?

How about we actually make people feel empowered over their own bodies and health - and ensure they have the means to be able to do so - rather than constantly conditioning them to feel like helpless victims reliant on intervention from those who seek to profit off our bodies?

Oh, and the jabs have not been shown to prevent transmission. The trials were not designed to show that. But no doubt, 'the experts' and their PR machine will be selectively picking out a few correlations soon, to 'prove' that they do. 

Read this

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

They lied about smoking... what else are they lying about?

People used to think smoking was safe, even good for you, thanks to a major marketing campaign from the tobacco industry, and an effort to manipulate the science, and politicians. Nothing has changed since, in terms of corporations and oligarchy having huge influence over media, science and politicians; over public consciousness. Actually, it's got much worse!

It's easy to look back on these propaganda coups. Not so easy to see through them when you're actually living through them and the $trillion corporate PR machine has the narrative fully under control, and speaking out against the manufactured consensus results in losing your job/friends, being smeared, perhaps killed. 

Thank goodness we now have the internet and the ability to easily seek out other information! Though that is now gradually being taken away. 

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

‘Correlation doesn’t equal causation!'. Unless 'the experts' say so.

‘Correlation doesn’t equal causation!!’, is what most mainstream ‘experts’ will shout at you if you try and point out pretty clear associations (but from limited studies due to underfunding) between the chemicals (eg glyphosate) flooded into the world by various industries, and increases in all kinds of illnesses.

But when it comes to efficacy of vaccines, lockdowns, masks? Or of anything else that will benefit certain industries and agendas? Any correlation they can find instantly equals causation. Confirmation bias galore. And the industry-controlled mainstream media PR machine pummels us with that propaganda. 

It seems these ‘experts’ are useful idiots for the industries destroying people and planet.

Corporations and oligarchy have science, and media, and governments, under the thumb.

These ‘experts’ also spent the last year ignoring/mocking/suppressing studies showing efficacy of Ivermectin, Vitamin D, improved metabolic health, etc.

Many even claimed that there is nothing we can do to boost our innate immune systems! 

I have friends (possibly ex-friends) in science/medicine who‘ve been doing all of this. I know that they’re well-meaning. Just heavily indoctrinated into a certain paradigm that serves industry interests, I guess?  


The potential inefficacy of the catastrophically harmful lockdowns is now becoming hard to ignore. Read this. The corporate media that promoted them may have to slowly eat their words. Along with all the 'experts'. I think the response to Covid may prove to be one of the greatest assaults on humanity in history. 

Excuse me for not trusting the ‘experts’ responsible for this assault, in what they say about the vaccines (or anything).

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Dangerous Doctors

They ignored the science re effective treatments like Ivermectin‬.

‪They ignored the science re the importance of Vitamin D.‬

‪The ignored the science re the importance of good food and metabolic health. ‬

They ignored the catastrophic impact of experimental lockdowns.

They encouraged us to harm our immune systems, with their fear-mongering causing stress, and via mandated isolation, loneliness, lack of sunshine/exercise. 

‪They ignored the evidence suggesting lockdown inefficacy.

They showed no interest in learning from countries that avoided destructive lockdowns yet had few deaths.  

They ignored the evidence suggesting inefficacy and harms of masks, (and supported mandatory masks for toddlers!).‬

They ignored the issues with mass PCR testing.

‪They supported the rushing out, (and possible effective mandating), of experimental jabs with no long term safety data, for those to whom the virus is virtually no threat/those already infected, recovered and immune.

They consistently cherry-picked science/data to suit their narrative. 

They ignore new science showing us that our approach to viruses is nonsensical. 

‪I’m sure most are well-meaning, but I think most mainstream scientists and allopathic doctors have proven themselves to be amongst the most ignorant, irrational, docile, unthinking, dangerous people on earth! 

What else are they wrong about?


I suppose none of the above should be a surprise when you consider this

Please read my previous post about the history of our healthcare system. 

Monday, 1 March 2021

Where are the T-cell tests?

Where are natural immunity tests? The T-cell tests?

Well they really wouldn’t be convenient for pharma profits, or for Rockefeller/Blair/Gates etc plans for more surveillance and control (vaccine passports), would they? Just as correcting the epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency wouldn’t be. And addressing the epidemic of poor metabolic health. And using cheap treatments like Ivermectin. So much destruction and so many lives lost as a result. A year of science denial portrayed as a year of great scientific advancement!

Let the worst entities in the world colonise your mind, body and soul, or have no life! Awesome. God knows how we survived (and often thrived) for millions of years without ‘help’ from pharma and oligarchy!

Forgive me for thinking that the people who’ve helped create the sickest civilisation in history aren’t best placed to dictate how we can achieve good health. (Strange that they've reacted in this insane manner to a little virus, yet seem entirely unconcerned about our imminent extinction). Forgive me for being a bit concerned by the fact that clearly-extremely-important alternative viewpoints have been smeared and censored all year, because ‘the science’ decreed it. Forgive me for wanting to address crises at their root, and focus on actually improving human and planetary health. Forgive me for thinking it a bad idea to let the most criminal/negligent companies on earth effectively mandate their products for the entire human race. 

All because of a virus that clearly only threatens a tiny percentage of people, largely in the most 'developed' countries (due to a toxic environment?), and for which we have effective, cheap treatments (that have been suppressed), and the cases of which are falling all around the world; jab or no jab, lockdown or no lockdown.

Mad, mad world!

(Or... maybe I’m wrong about everything. Hope so!).


Update: the FDA just approved T-cell tests. Lets see if they are used much...