Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Can we agree on the facts?

 Would it be possible for everyone to at least agree that these are all facts?

- Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb 24th, this year.

- In 2014, an anti-Russia, pro-EU/NATO section of the Ukrainian populace overthrew their government, with fundamental help from neo-Nazi groups, and with the direct involvement of the US government. This led to a separatist movement in the east of the country where citizens identify more with Russia than with the west (many/most are ethnically Russian). They were fearful of the new, very nationalistic, Russophobic regime. 8 years of war ensued, with many war crimes and thousands of civilian casualties, mostly on the separatist side. The US provided arms to the Ukrainian government side. Russia provided arms to the separatist side.

- Peace deals were brokered but the Ukrainian government refused to implement them.

- NATO is an aggressive military alliance, having been involved in imperialist wars in Libya, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan. And it was founded specifically to target Russia. It has expanded east, breaking a promise made to Russia 30 years ago. The Ukranian government was seeking membership and NATO leaders refused to rule it out.

Friday, 22 July 2022

Another Big Pharma scam. Trust doctors? Hell no!

Little evidence that chemical imbalance causes depression, UCL scientists find

Another Big Pharma scam.

So many doctors just went along with this, for decades. They never bothered actually looking into the evidence (or lack thereof). Perhaps it's not all their fault; they’re over-stretched and don’t have time. But it seems pretty clear that many, many ‘experts’ are convinced that they know what they’re talking about, when they actually really do not. They’re just parroting what they’ve been taught to believe at universities corrupted by money, ego, groupthink, human error. 

When deciding which experts to trust, choose wisely!


Listen to this to see what happens to many scientists who do still try and actually follow the science. They lose their funding!


Update: yet ANOTHER Big Pharma scam. 

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

They believe in propaganda, not science

We now have peer-reviewed, scientific evidence that the mRNA vaccines negatively impact fertility, alter the recipient’s DNA, cause heart problems, and do not reduce mortality. But those who claim to ‘believe in science’ are not interested. They believe in propaganda.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

Why are farmers protesting?

Here's a good article here about the recent history of agriculture in the Netherlands (and the same story applies to much of the world).

Farming has become an increasingly miserable, poorly-paid and environmentally-ruinous profession, thanks to decades of poor government policy/neoliberal globalisation.

But now farmers are expected to be able to afford to adhere to new green regulations - only needed as a result of the neoliberal corporatisation/centralisation of their industry. This has resulted in the current farmer protests in the Netherlands.

A genuine effort to address climate change would involve undoing the recent decades of corporatisation and centralisation, and switching to agroecology. But the governments and organisations that imposed the current system, (and profit off it), are not interested in that. Instead, EU neoliberals and technocrats would rather force farmers out of work and fuel the already-burgeoning food crisis.


Watch THIS clip with Russell Brand and Vandana Shiva.

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Non Covid Excess deaths

Non covid excess deaths

Significantly more people are dying than normal, including the two years when we were apparently in the middle of a pandemic. 

Is it because of the (largely ineffective) lockdowns, which delayed cancer diagnoses and increased stress/loneliness? Is it because of the economic downturn and cost of living crisis (partly caused by the Covid response)? Might some of it be because of vaccination?? 

How come most of the people who obsessed about Covid deaths for two years don’t seem to care about this?

Could it be that they just care about whatever the media tells them to care about? Are they mostly just interested in following the herd?


Tuesday, 5 July 2022

'Experts' are inexplicably dumb

Experts say they are no longer hopeful vaccines will stop the virus in its tracks

If these people are experts, then I’m a genius. 

We’ve known for like two years that it was extremely unlikely that the vaccines would do this!!!

How come idiots like me knew this, but these apparent experts did not? 

Could it be that they are actually paid shills for big pharma? Or perhaps just dogmatic, cultish believers in anything coming from modern medicine, (especially vaccines)?

Dutch farmers resist latest lunacy

Dutch Farmer Protest Rises Up Against AGENDA 2030 Climate Regulations

Not content with screwing up the global food supply via ineffective Covid lockdowns and the easily-avoidable Ukraine war, our governments now want to literally shut down farms! Almost seems like they want a global famine!

Is this a continuation of the war on farmers that’s been ongoing for hundreds (or thousands?) of years? 

I doubt they’d be protesting if they’d been given genuinely viable options for making their farms more environmentally friendly!

Why is it that most people who condemn communist central planning, are totally fine with corporatist/technocratic central planning? (Like in the EU, which is what the Dutch farmers are resisting).

Right now, all the conspiracy theorists are convinced we’re in the middle of an intentional collapse of the global order, in order to reset everything and impose a new world order. It's easy to see where they’re coming from! So much self-inflicted harm. But I think more likely it’s just the result of an insane, out-of-control, domineering economic system/culture/collective craving to control everything. It's definitely avoidable/solvable, with good management and decentralisation, but I'm not sure it’s intentional…?