Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Two thirds of Brits not yet protected from....the sniffles

Read: Delta variant Covid symptoms ‘include headaches, sore throat and runny nose’

Omg. Two thirds of Brits aren’t yet fully protected from the sniffles. How on earth will we cope? Must maintain life-destroying restrictions! 

And remember, your only option to protect yourself from the already-minor risk of a... runny nose, is a toxic jab that very likely carries a higher risk of making you sick, (and long term harms remain completely unknown). Definitely don’t eat well, check vitamin levels, get some sun, or have a safe, peer-reviewed treatment like Ivermectin at hand. And definitely don’t check to see if you actually already have antibodies/T-cell immunity. That’s all quackery.

Monday, 14 June 2021

The inventor of mRNA technology warns of major vaccine risks - will anyone listen?

Watch this

The Nobel Prize-winning scientist who invented the PCR test opposed the way it has been used during Covid (well he would’ve done, had he not died in 2019).

Now, the scientist who invented mRNA technology - the technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines - is raising major safety concerns about the vaccines.

Just a couple of quacks, I guess? 

Will anyone listen? Or will the totalitarian censorship continue? Is science completely dead?

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Who is behind the anti-meat agenda?

Each to their own when it comes to the ethics of meat-eating, but why are we being encouraged from an environmental and health standpoint, to remove one of the most nutrient dense foods from our diet that - if farmed regeneratively - offers perhaps our best hope for restoring biodiversity and healing the environment? And why are we encouraged to eat processed crap from ecocidal, monocrop farms, instead?

Listen to this podcast with Frédéric Leroy for answers!

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Norwegian study - Pfizer jab responsible for some deaths

Read this in the BMJ... ‘a causal link between the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and death was considered “likely” in 10 of the 100 cases’. 

Surely a 5 year old could have foreseen this, given the adverse reactions seen in the trials? It should have been obvious some of the very elderly and frail weren’t going to be able to cope with those adverse reactions. I guess the callous assumption is that they’d have died anyway had they been allowed out of isolation and got Covid, but that’s surely a huge assumption? Lots of people who you might think would be susceptible to Covid have been asymptomatic. Chance of survival is like 95% for over 80s with commorbidities, I think? And that's without using the effective treatments that have been suppressed!

Were the elderly even tested for antibody/t-cell immunity, pre-jab? Hadn’t the virus already gone around many of these nursing homes? 

What a nightmare. Murder, one might say. Most of this death, isolation, misery could probably have been avoided by correcting vitamin deficiencies and using Ivermectin. And by doing testing to check for previous infection. 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Pfizer jab 'safe' for kids?!

Who in their right mind looks at this and thinks, ‘yep, these are totally safe and should be given to every child on the planet asap’? 

And bear in mind that this is only two months of data, that Covid is virtually no threat to kids, and that we have other genuinely safe treatments. 

Are they even going to test kids for prior infection first? Antibody/T-cell tests? 

What a nightmare. Mass child abuse and possible genocide underway.

Who benefits?

Please god someone end this horrorshow. Experimenting on and abusing millions of children to (supposedly) protect the thankfully tiny % of people who’re vulnerable - and who’ve all now been offered a jab!! (So why do they need others to have one?!). And for whom we have other effective treatments, like Ivermectin, and vitamin d!! What a sickening and absurd level of safetyism, which actually clearly has nothing to do with our health and safety - who the hell can still believe that? - and everything to do with pharma profits (and imposing a digital ID system via the backdoor, with vaccine passports). 

And look at this propaganda/stupidity being fed to kids via BBC Newsround. What a dangerous individual this person is. She is telling them that they will probably need this experimental Covid jab every year. Is she even aware that kids are at virtually no risk from Covid; that they have an immune system, that can be looked after naturally? Why isn't she telling them this? Why is she referring to a medical procedure that caused harms during the trials, and for which we have no long-term safety data, as '100% safe'? Why isn't she at least calling for kids to be tested for antibody/t-cell immunity before they're poked? Why isn't she talking about effective and safe treatments like Ivermectin? So many questions. What a bubble of dangerous nonsense these 'experts' live in.

Are we really going to just sit back and let these corporations abuse millions of children?

Monday, 7 June 2021

Media and Big Pharma collusion

Why has the response to COVID-19 involved doing everything possible to serve certain monied interests, (at massive detriment to public health), and what made it possible to manufacture consent for that? 

This might help explain: 

‘Out of the nine media corporations studied, six had directors who also represented the interests of at least one pharmaceutical company. In fact, save for CBS, every media corporation had board connections to either an insurance or pharmaceutical company’.