Monday, 15 November 2021

Vaccine injuries in Australia

More than 10,000 Australians have filed coronavirus vaccine injury claims

Thousands of young people having their health and lives ruined. Because they were forced to take a drug for a disease that was virtually no threat to them, and preventable/treatable naturally. And they weren't even tested first for t-cells/antibodies.

And authorities want to force these drugs on us all every 6-12 months?!?!?! And on kids/infants?!?!?!

How many more thousands will be severely harmed over time?

There was and is another way!!

Sunday, 14 November 2021

YouTube bans the 'dislike' button

 I wonder why YouTube is suddenly removing the dislike button...

‘To combat harassment’, my arse. Well, to combat those harassing big pharma and corporate rule, yeah.

The suppression of dissent continues. 

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Pfizer rebrands Ivermectin?

 "'Now no one is saying that information has been deliberately suppressed for years while millions of people have died", says John Campbell, sarcastically, in this video.

Of course, that is exactly what has happened, with the suppression of Ivermectin (and Vitamin D science etc).

But now, Pfizer have come out with a 'new' drug, very similar to Ivermectin, that they can patent and profit from. Unbelievable.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

In so many countries, deaths rise after vaccination

Read this thread.

Are we allowed to consider this data? Is it possible that the 'vaccines' - that we know can cause horrible side effects - caused the deaths in these countries that, for whatever reason, were unaffected by this virus/had already achieved population immunity naturally? What's going on?

Orwellian definition changes

They changed the definition of herd immunity.

They changed the definition of vaccine. 

They changed the definition of 'anti-vaxxer'.

They effectively outlawed any talk of natural immunity. 

These are very Orwellian times! 

Monday, 1 November 2021


So, the leaders who have just flooded the world with toxic masks and perspex, who spend $trillions on war, who impose toxic agriculture everywhere, and who fly about in private jets, are meeting to preach environmentalism at us. Awesome.

"Countries in debt can’t afford to go green", says 'Prince' Charles. 

Well, maybe cancel the debt then? Let's liberate these countries? Let them control their own lands and have the freedom to try and live in harmony with their local environments without constant exploitation from foreign capital?

No chance! 

"We need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the private sector", Charles continues.

Great, so you want to put them in even more debt? You want industry to have even more control over them?

What a load of bollocks.