Sunday, 23 January 2022

Global approach to healthcare shaped by eugenicists

Read this: The Rockefeller Foundation and the international health agenda

The Rockefeller Foundation ‘shaped the principles, practices, and key institutions of the international health field’.

Sooo. An organization that supported the Nazis/eugenics, went on to shape the global approach to healthcare! 😳

See my previous post about a book I read on the Rockefeller takeover of healthcare here

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Narrative collapse. COVIDIOTS vindicated

All of a sudden the mass media is saying lots of things that the ‘COVIDIOT conspiracy theorists’ have been saying for 1-2 years. 

- the virus might have come from a lab

- cloth masks don’t work

- t-cell immunity is a thing (including pre-existing)

- it’s not feasible or wise to inject the human race every six months 

- we don’t know how many died ‘of’ and ‘with’ the virus (75% of deaths had at least 4 commorbidities, according to CDC) 

- the vaccinated spread the virus (seemingly more than the unvaccinated, with Omicron)

- zero Covid is a fantasy

- PCR tests are unreliable

- hospitals overstretched partly because healthcare workers are forced to stay home due to positive test

- natural immunity more effective than vaccine immunity

- vaccines are unsafe 

- treatments suppressed 

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Micro-chipping is hardly a 'conspiracy theory'

 Watch this

Let’s stop pretending that it’s some crazy conspiracy theory that authorities are going to start microchipping us. That sort of dystopian madness is exactly where we’re headed. It's already happening!

Let’s change course. Or at least just make sure that it remains voluntary, with no repercussions for those who opt out...

Can’t you see what’s coming? “It’s selifish to not let us monitor 24/7 your health status. We need to know exactly how contagious you are!”.