Tuesday, 22 November 2022

technocrats plough ahead with their bio-fascist plans

Read this

Bio-fascism probably returning soon! Our fascist technocratic rulers have decreed it. Watch this

Biggest funder of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, and the Rockefeller foundation, are trying to control global health, as well as agriculture, media, education... everything! (They’re surely far more deserving of our ire than Elon Musk, who recently acquired Twitter).

The plan for vaccine passports is just a continuation of these elites forcing their drugs/ideology onto the world. They started over 100 years ago, when they demonised and suppressed natural healthcare.

Many were smeared as 'conspiracy theorists' for warning that Covid was going to be used to justify more technocratic control over the global populace (and for ensuring regular profits for big pharma). 

We need choice and informed consent!! We need to keep control over our own bodies!!

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Elites are deceiving us (and themselves?) about climate change

Gates-funded ‘green revolution’ in Africa has failed, critics say

‘the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, founded in 2006 with money from the Gates and Rockefeller foundations, has promoted an industrial model of agriculture that poisons soils with chemicals and encourages farmers to go into debt by buying expensive seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.’

What Africans need is debt cancellation and true decolonisation! If our elite rulers really want to heal the world, surely they’d do this. Instead, they continue indebting them, exploiting them, imposing industrial agriculture on them, poisoning the soil, ruining the land, fuelling the ecological crisis - which is a root cause of the climate crisis.

It’s all about control, profit, ego, stupidity!


Our environmental problems aren't simplistically caused by CO2, just like Covid isn't simplistically caused by a virus. They’re scapegoats. The problem is the destruction of the living world, and human health, largely thanks to the kind of neo-colonization described above; the imposition of what many view as 'modern civilisation', which involves extreme toxicity, poor management, centralized power, corporate capitalism, addiction to technological ‘progress’…

We need to focus on detoxifying and healing the terrain of the planet. We need decolonization, and localised, holistic management. We need diversity of culture. We need a new kind of progress!

But these kind of changes are mostly incompatible with the interests and egos of the transnational corporations and oligarchs that rule the world.