Monday, 19 April 2021

Malthusian David Attenborough?

‘Humans are intruders’ and the natural world is better off without us, says Sir David Attenborough. 

No wonder David gets invited to Davos! 

I feel for kids hearing this stuff. So depressing. Might as well all bloody kill ourselves! 

They should be taught about agroecology, regenerative agriculture, permaculture, etc; about our potential to be contributors to life on earth, stewarding and living in harmony with the natural world that we are a part of - if only those Davos elites, who basically own everything and are the true culprits of planetary destruction, would let us.  

We are nature! We'll only stop being a scourge when we see that. 

Centralization of power and wealth is the enemy!

Watch this. 

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Anti-imperialism a farce?

How is anyone in their right mind not horrified by the idea of (effectively) mandating these experimental, briefly-tested, and largely completely unnecessary, medical procedures, for the entire human race? Even now that everyone can see that they're causing some deaths in the short term, (and who knows of long term issues!).

This is one of the most mortifying, monstrous agendas in human history! 

What I’m finding really hard to understand is the anti-capitalist left’s refusal to even acknowledge that this is a disease largely of the ‘developed’, most capitalistic, world. The US is impacted badly due to capitalist exploitation of the population, leading to obesity etc.‬

It's a ‪MASSIVE disservice to those populations in the ‘developing’ world, who’re not yet quite so dominated by corporate power, to not recognize the above, and instead to go along with big pharma’s propaganda and force them all to get experimental gene therapy! Anti-imperialism seems a farce right now.‬

I really recommend listening to this podcast for a rational view of events. 

Friday, 2 April 2021

Infant-jabbing horrorshow

Even in the US, where kids are probably the most unhealthy of any kids in the world, the Covid risk to them is virtually zero. Their immune systems not compromised enough yet, (by the toxic food system/environment imposed by the same entities pushing these jabs and jab passports on us).

What kind of mad Nazi scientist thinks it’s appropriate to force kids to get an experimental Covid jab with no long term safety data?

And this study is with only 300 kids. What if the jab harms/kills 1 in ever 10,000 kids? How can you prove 100% safety from just 300 kids?!?! They want to jab every kid on the planet!!!

And all for a virus that is no threat to kids!!!!!!

Such evil!

Read this

Unbelievable! As ever, the fox guarding the henhouse. And the corporate media PR machine doing its job.

We know that adolescents have powerfully protective innate immunity!!!

But fuck it, let’s jab them all and cause them unnecessary pain, potential long term health issues, and most likely some deaths. Pharma needs profits, Davos elites need a digital ID of all humankind, and that’s what matters.

Watch this