The TV experts say lockdowns are effective/worth it, and vaccines are safe, effective and necessary for all. And that's that. No questions allowed! Obey, or face persecution.
The silence from medical authorities regarding Vitamin D proves that they either do not know what they are doing, or, they have another agenda that has nothing to do with our health.
It's totally insane to let any authority have control over our bodies, let alone authorities that are this incompetent/corrupt.
Why are they mandating the jabs for everyone when we know that they can cause severe harm, when we know that they don't prevent infection/transmission and cannot bring about herd immunity, and when hundreds of millions are already immune via natural infection?!?!?!
Is there anything more selfish than wanting billions of people to be regularly injected against their will just so you can feel a tiny bit safer?
I’m pretty sure fear and love are incompatible. Do we want a world filled with the former or the latter?
The evidence is pretty damn clear that our leading ‘experts’ don’t have a bloody clue what they’re doing. Though they really believe that they do.
So big pharma and the state are forcing people to get unnecessary and potentially harmful injections, and you’re not horrified by this? Have you considered the possibility that you are in fact a fascist?
Vaccine passports are a bad enough idea just for a temporary period of time, but it increasingly sounds like authorities want them to be permanent. Why?! Do pandemics now go on forever?!
I really didn’t want it to be the case, but it sure does seem as though most of the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were basically right.
Forcing people to lose control over their own biology and submit to regular injections (harms of which cannot be known), is not like making people wear seatbelts!! Have you all lost your god damn minds?!
No matter how many thousands of doctors and scientists are disagreeing, most people want to just blindly believe ‘the experts’ they see on the TV.
Let the fearful have as many injections as they want, and let the rest of us get back to normal!!!
Imagine if all the money put into making billions of people wear toxic and barely-effective masks, had instead been put into fixing vitamin deficiencies and enabling everyone to eat healthier food. How many deaths might’ve been prevented, from Covid and all diseases!
Still struggling to think of anything more important than ensuring that humans maintain the right to avoid pharmaceuticals (without facing discrimination).
Especially completely unnecessary and potentially harmful pharmaceuticals.
Propaganda makes the gullible and the wilfully ignorant feel as though they’re in the majority, when they are not.
Is mass jabbing fuelling ‘immune escape’/new variants and creating the first perpetual pandemic ever? Are mountains being made out of molehills via lots of sketchy, deceptive testing? Are people getting sicker than ever cos immune systems have been harmed?
So many questions.
You'd think 19 months of failed and destructive policies would trigger a change in approach to Covid, but nope.
How much disease and death could be prevented if we started addressing Vitamin D/C deficiency, encouraging healthy eating/lifestyle, and focussing on early treatment?
Forcing someone to wear a mask for a significant period of time is an act of violence.
Forcing people to get regular injections for the good of society, is just as evil as forcing people to eat healthy food and exercise for the good of society. (Actually, even more evil).
Reminder: we all spread viruses all the time. Trillions of them. Constantly travelling between us. Is it really sensible to try and put a stop to what’s been happening since life began?
Can’t believe that 19 months in, Covidians are STILL ignoring all context and info/case studies that contradict their hypothesis, refusing to acknowledge immense harms of Covid polices, and doing nothing to push for actual science-based policies that would prevent deaths.
Insane for anyone to think they know what the actual death rate is, given the unprecedented and harmful interventions and the unprecedented mass testing, and given the fact we know it’s normal for humans to have trillions of viruses (including ‘pathogens’) in our microbiomes.
Why aren’t we acknowledging the fact that the natural immune system is more effective than any of these injections?
I've come across zero 'anti-vaxxers' who want to force their beliefs onto others. Vaccine fanatics, on the other hand...
Very clear to me who the real extremists are here.
How come we heard nothing about Covid infection causing myocarditis, until we discovered that the jabs can cause it too?
The same people who claim to care most about health and safety don’t give a crap about potential jab harms, even as they propose jabbing billions of people every few months, indefinitely. Psychotic.
Why is it that the people who want to regularly inject billions of people against their will, are seen as the sane, respectable people? Whilst those opposed to this, are seen as the dangerous lunatics?
This seems a bit backwards.
Big Pharma came for the kids decades ago. Created a huge market. Now, they’ve come for the adults.
Yeh sure we should try and eradicate Covid disease. How? By eradicating the causes of the disease - stress, nutrient deficiencies, obesity, toxicity...
Much like with the war on terror in response to 9/11, we’ve been manipulated into a neverending nightmare in response to Covid, that again just happens to benefit the powers that be.
So you know that ‘the experts’ regarding foreign policy are largely compromised and ignorant, due to oligarchical/corporate influence... but you think ‘the experts’ regarding Covid and medicine are all totally trustworthy, despite huge influence of big pharma/Gates etc?
Imagine it’s true that medical authorities routinely get things wrong; that there is institutional corruption and groupthink. And that as a result, millions of people suffer & die needlessly due to inappropriate care. It’s a traumatic thought, but probably one we should consider.
Medical authorities approved of mercury tooth fillings until very recently when they finally acknowledged (in the US at least) that they’re toxic.
I wonder what else these authorities have approved of for many years that are actually unsafe?
For a society apparently obsessed with safety we sure let authorities do a lot of unsafe things to us.
I’m opposed to letting any kind of government having control over our bodies, but letting an oligarchical, corporate capitalist government have this power? Are you fucking mad?
We seem to like letting powerful people do bad things and then waiting a couple decades before publishing decent journalism and making tv series/films about them doing these bad things. How about we start going after these people when they actually start doing these bad things?
If you want injections, then go for it. Have one every bloody week if you want to. But if you think you’ve got a right to force others to do the same, and to discriminate against those who refuse, then you are extremely disturbed.
Wasn't the deal, 'lockdowns/restrictions until we get vaccines for those who want them'? What happened to this deal?
We've been conned, repeatedly. Surely time to fight back?
Why are you still listening to the crazy $cientists who want to force billions of people to get regular injections despite zero safety data and despite the fact the vast majority do not need them?
The economy, as fucked up as it is, is a thing that billions of people depend on. You can't just disrupt it/shut it down without causing immense harm.
There’s a disease with 99.5-99.99% survival rate. What should we do?
1. help people strengthen immune systems - focussing on the small % who’re vulnerable
2. destroy society, impoverish/starve millions & force all humanity to get regular injections for the rest of their lives
How THE FUCK is it that supporters of option 1 are the ‘extremists’ here?!?!
When people say, ‘that’s anecdotal evidence, ignore it’, what they are actually saying is, ‘shut up and obey authority’.
Why aren’t they admitting how insane it was to put all eggs in the ‘vaccine’ basket?
Don’t let yourself be hypnotised by perhaps the greatest propaganda operation ever - the people trying to force the human race to take regular injections for the foreseeable future, are the dangerous lunatics; NOT those who’re opposing this!
Lots of people are too scared to think. Reality is scary. So they insult us and seek to shut us down instead. Difficult sometimes, but always try and take the higher ground. Be kind!
I'm not really into the whole 'injuring and killing people for the greater good' thing. (Especially when it's bollocks).
Do you not realize how racist, supremacist and fascistic it is to want to discriminate against those who disagree with what the billionaire 'civilizers' and their 'public health experts' think is best for humanity?
Irrational, counterproductive fear and safetyism is being fueled and used by the powers that be, to profit, and to expand their control over the (global) population.
Last year, before an inevitable Winter resurgence in Covid, and when there were no vaccines, nothing was done to address Vitamin D/C deficiencies.
And now, this year, as vaccines fail, again nothing is being done about it.
I assume progressive, 'pro-science' countries like New Zealand are recognizing natural immunity, right?
You need a bizarre and extreme faith in authority to be ok with what is going on in the world right now.
Authorities are literally trying to cancel the entire concept of natural immunity. Centuries of science, denied. They want us to believe that we are useless; that our bodies need to be drugged and controlled. Resist.
What’s being monitored more closely and having more research put into it - long term harm from Covid, or long term harm from jabs? The former, obviously. The latter, is being ignored.
This will surely result in a very false picture of things, making the jab risks look worth it.
What children need to be kept safe from, is the absurd and counterproductive obsession with safety.
So you accept that thousands are being seriously injured by the jabs, but you think it's a necessary price to pay in the war against this virus? Well how about speaking up for these injured people, instead of treating them like shit? Strange way to treat your fallen comrades.
They want to jab kids every few months, for a disease that’s no risk to them, that most now have naturally acquired immunity to, with a concoction that we know is causing heart and nerve damage.
This is as evil as any historical evil I can think of.
Just because you've got the world's most powerful entities & their propaganda machine telling you that your position is the moral one, does not make it true. In fact, having those entities, with their sociopathic/destructive record, on your side, should surely make you reconsider
How come one tweet by someone who had a bad experience with Covid gets so much more attention and sympathy than the hundreds of millions of people who had their lives fucked by lockdowns?