Sunday, 26 April 2020

Coronavirus: Famine risk

Coronavirus: World risks 'biblical' famines due to pandemic - UN.

Why are so many at risk? Because their countries have been bought up by western corporations, following wars and covert coups, forcing them to produce mono-crops for export to rich countries, rather than diverse foods for themselves, leaving them reliant on the global market to survive?

What are rich countries doing right now to prevent a famine in these countries that we’ve subjugated and plundered? Cancelling some debt, as some western leaders are finally now proposing, will help, but it won’t be enough. A massive coordinated effort is needed. But that’s unlikely to happen, thanks to the neoliberal self-interest that led to the subjugation and plunder of these lands in the first place.

Instead, such is the chaos and insanity of capitalism, the west continues to bomb and economically sanction some of these countries.

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