Monday, 20 July 2020

Xinjiang, China: Human Rights Abuses, Hypocrisy and Propaganda

There are currently calls for western governments to sanction China’s government over their treatment of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

Some 'whataboutism':

Nearly 1% of US adults (disproportionately black/brown people) are incarcerated, and doing slave prison labor. The US has a prison in an occupied region of Cuba where, for years, they took Muslims from all around the world, to be tortured.

Where are the demands for sanctions on the US regime? For the above, and for all the other unspeakably horrific crimes of the US - like the constant imperialism that has killed/displaced/maimed tens of millions of people? Obama and then Trump have just spent years sending $billions of support to ethnic-cleansing ‘rebels’ in Syria, and waging genocidal war on Yemen, allied with fascist Saudi Arabia. And western sanctions continue to kill thousands in Venezuela, Iran, etc.

Those who have been silent about this, or worse - supportive of it - suddenly care deeply about Muslims in China?

What exactly is going on in Xinjiang?

I don’t know how bad exactly things are for the Uyghur people - it’s very difficult to figure out what the truth is when it comes to alleged crimes of designated enemies of the west, given the extremely powerful propaganda system we’re subjected to, via the media, and assortment of NATO funded NGOs and think tanks.

I do know for a fact that China is currently being demonized, just as any state has been throughout history that stands in the way of total western hegemony. But obviously, this doesn't mean they're not guilty of human rights abuses. It just means we're being made to focus on certain abuses, to gain our consent for imperial agendas.

From what I can tell, the Chinese government *is* responding extremely harshly, following terror attacks by a minority of Uyghurs. My understanding is that China has been attempting to assimilate people in the Xinjiang region for many decades, and that this has eventually resulted in horrific terrorism, (seemingly fueled by an increasing presence of Wahhabism in the region). And now, following that terrorism, the government is more forcefully trying to assimilate them, by sending them, on mass, to be 're-educated' in what are being described in the west as concentration camps. This is all worthy of our opposition, but the problem is... those in the west who’re most loudly decrying it, have supported the west's ‘war on terror’, which has killed countless innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc, (and involved allying with and supporting Wahhabism!). The intentions of those in power in the west are, obviously, not good. We must be careful not to assist in their agenda.

It seems both the west and China are ignoring the root causes of terrorism, and both have responded to it in such a manner that will likely only fuel it. But, I think it should probably be recognized that destroying entire Muslim states in order to steal their resources, causing the deaths of millions, is surely a worse reaction than forced 're-education' camps.

Anyone who points out any of this will of course be accused of whataboutism and treated with disdain. We’re not allowed to point out obvious hypocrisy and bias, the purpose of which is to fuel more conflict.

The main problem we have is that the entire system right now is not set up to end human rights abuses. It’s set up to advance the interests of western corporations/banks. Human rights abuses in this system are just a weapon, selectively highlighted, (sometimes exaggerated/fabricated), to enable the worst human rights abusers of all, to continue violently capturing the world and its resources.

What's being omitted in western media?

We're barely told about all the horrific terrorism in Xinjiang, (before the government snapped and cracked down). Remember how we were played the 9/11 attacks over and over again? Yet the same media that had that on repeat is silent regarding terrorism in China.

The media is consistently manufacturing our consent, for the bogus ‘war on terror’, and now for the hybrid war on China.

Mosques built during Muslim genocide?

The number of Mosques in Xinjiang has increased dramatically in recent years, which somewhat undermines the narrative, peddled by some, that they are trying to eradicate all Islam.

Who's the source?

I’m fascinated to understand why the media’s most prominent source for reports about the Ugyhur’s plight, is a man funded by the CIA, who thinks homosexuality and gender equality are destroying capitalism. Surely there must be more reliable sources than this?

To surmise:

It’s just so absurd that all the actors who’ve supported and enabled the west’s war on the Middle East, along with all the other imperialist pursuits, suddenly care for Muslims in Xingiang, or for human rights in general. It's sad that many still fall for these blatant propaganda campaigns. As stated, human rights abuses are just a weapon for western capitalists, to advance imperial interests. This should be clear to all by now.

Whatever the situation in Xingiang, it really couldn’t be more obvious that China is being demonized. It’s just completely irrational, the amount of condemnation China is getting, comparatively to the condemnation the west and its (often fascist) puppet states get for all our/their incomprehensibly monstrous crimes - they generally get minimized, justified, or ignored, rather than condemned.

This demonization should be our main concern. Rapacious American capitalism is clearly pushing us into a new cold war. It cannot accept a multi-polar world order. I am not saying we shouldn't express solidarity with the Ughurs, but our priority must be to demand diplomacy and peace, not imperialist sanctions, and tensions between nuclear-armed superpowers. Those most deserving of sanctions are those who're now calling for them to be imposed on China.


Some links:

The Coming War On China.

Balanced thread.

Trouble on the Silk Road: Real Situation of Uyghurs in China.

Claims that China has detained millions of Uyghur Muslims are based largely on two studies. A closer look at these papers reveals US government backing, absurdly shoddy methodologies, and a rapture-ready evangelical researcher named Adrian Zenz.

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