Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Michelle Obama says Trump is bad man

Michelle Obama, wife of war criminal who helped bring slavery to Libya and multiple humanitarian catastrophes to the world, says Donald Trump is a bad, bad man. 

Omg, I never knew. I thought Donald was wonderful until now. Thank you for this great wisdom, Michelle! Your husband may have perpetuated a system that has destroyed the lives of working class Americans, but I’m sure they will all now rush out and vote for his VP!

Back in the real world... whilst Trump is of course horrific, Joe Biden is backed by more blood-thirsty war criminals and sociopathic billionaires than possibly any previous Democratic candidate in history. 

But who cares eh. Trump is bad man. Biden is good man.

Democracy in the US is basically getting to choose between two of the worst people on the planet every four years, who pretend that they oppose each other, (whilst anyone who calls out the charade and demands actual change, is effectively disappeared).

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