Friday, 28 August 2020

The companies developing COVID-19 vaccines are corrupt as hell

Here's some information about GlaxoSmithKline, one of the companies working on a vaccine for COVID-19. Amongst other crimes, the company failed to disclose the potentially dangerous side effects of a diabetes drug, which, according to the FDA (itself a highly corrupted agency), may have caused up to 100,000 heart attacks.

Other Big Pharma corporations working on Covid vaccines are similarly negligent, corrupt, deceitful - I will list some below, with links detailing just a few of the crimes that I've discovered from a brief bit of research. I fear I am only scratching the surface.

There is talk of mandatory vaccinations for Covid. Personally, there is nothing that will convince me of the safety of a Covid vaccine, when there has never been a safe Coronavirus vaccine previously, when they are now being developed under immense pressure, and when the corporations involved have appalling records of deceit and corruption. And in any case, is it not a bit insane to vaccinate people who are not at risk from this virus?! Is it not quite clear that it is only the elderly and those with comorbidities and nutrient deficiencies who're at risk? And isn't even that risk, quite low?

Why is the focus on vaccines and masks, rather than on enabling and encouraging people to improve their general health/immune systems? Not only is poor general health a key factor in Covid susceptibility, it also potentially makes vaccines largely ineffective! Even for healthy people, these vaccines may only be 50% effective, and are only really to reduce symptoms, rather than stop infection, according to this.  

This study suggests that having a healthy gut (i.e. having a healthy balance of bacteria) may reduce your susceptibility, potentially helping to explain the lower death rate in countries like Germany, Japan and Taiwan, where fermented food (eg sauerkraut) is a staple. And this study concludes that Vitamin D deficiency is a major factor. Wouldn't a highly effective, easy and cheap strategy to reduce Covid mortality, be to provide supplements to all vulnerable people? And to embark on a campaign to enable and encourage everyone to improve their diet/lifestyle? Dr Fauci, leading the US response to Covid, recently stated that he is taking Vitamin D supplements - why hasn't he formerly advised the pubic to do the same?

And then there is the environmental impact - a genocide of crabs and sharks is required to produce these vaccines, leading to potential destruction of ecosystems. Just what the world needs right now!

Is everything going on in response to Covid being driven by the need of the corporations to profit and grow, just as everything is - including our general medical system - under the current economic system? (Though, given that communist China, Cuba, etc, have responded similarly, I can't put it all down to capitalism. There seems to be a war mentality approach across the board). 

Watch this documentary. The World Health Organization helped to deny effective, natural malaria medication to Africa. It's pretty clear that it is, to some extent at least, in the pocket of the profiteering Big Pharma corporations. Are those interests driving their response to Covid?

And I realize this is an argument made by those described as 'anti-vaxx', but is it not possible that all these vaccinations are confusing our bodies? Might the rise in autoimmune diseases be linked? Some vaccines may help to save lives in the short term, but the long term impact of meddling with our immune systems to this extent is impossible to predict, and there have been many issues with some vaccines. Do we not need to move away from Germ Theory towards Terrain Theory? Do we not need to recognise that there are trillions of germs in us and around us, and consider the possibility that it is only human actions - our extreme meddling with nature and our poisoning of our bodies with toxic, unhealthy diets etc - that puts things out of balance and causes some to harm us? Is it not a bit insane to vaccinate the entire human race because of a virus that's of no threat to those who're reasonably healthy? Shouldn't we instead put this effort and money into healing the terrain of people and planet?

Is the debate around vaccines redundant because, as Zach Bush explains here, recent research in regards to the microbiome etc, has completely revolutionized understanding of human health?

In any case, we can’t shut down and wait for a vaccine every time a new virus comes along and causes harm - as will happen increasingly, precisely because of our current way of being. And especially in a globalised world where doing so has catastrophic consequences - the reaction to Covid is expected to push half a billion more people into poverty, and may lead to famines. And what’s even more upsetting is that most of these people, in the global south, seem to be far less susceptible to Covid - I assume, because they’re yet to have western ‘culture’, with our poisonous food system etc, imposed on them. And perhaps because of the hygiene hypothesis

We need to shift focus onto the terrain - most importantly, we need to change the food system. Industrial farming/junk food has wrecked both the environment, and our bodies, fueling disease and leaving us vulnerable. But with lockdown policies fueling yet more concentration of wealth in the hands of the corporations and billionaire technocrats, it seems likely that we will continue on the current suicidal path. 


Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson opioids helped create 'worst man-made public health crisis in history,' Oklahoma says in court

Report: Johnson & Johnson Under Criminal Investigation For Concealing Cancer Risks Of Baby Powder

Johnson & Johnson Will Pay $70 Million Over Bribery Claims

J&J to Pay More Than $100 Million to End Over 1,000 Talc Suits

J&J downplayed the risks of addiction to opioids 



Pfizer fined $2.3 billion for illegal marketing in off-label drug case

Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims

Tax Dodging Just One Part of Pfizer’s Corrupt Business Model

Did Zooloft make him do it?

Report Shows Pfizer May Have Known About Zoloft Side Effects

'thousands of reports linking the drug [Chantix] to mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, hostility and agitation'.

Prempro Settlements to Result in $1.2B Payments for Breast Cancer

Research suggests that the blockbuster cholesterol medication Lipitor can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes

Pfizer faces negligence lawsuits over carcinogens found in Zantac

Pfizer violation tracker

Pfizer: Corporate Rap Sheet


AstraZeneca takes $6m hit after 'faking conferences' to bribe doctors

"It came to light that during the approvals process, AstraZeneca covered up some of the major side-effects of Seroquel in order to get it easily approved”.

Justice Department probes claims that AstraZeneca bribed Iraqi terrorists to win contracts

Hidden conflicts? Pharma payments to FDA advisers after drug approvals spark ethical concerns


UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans

Bribery, corruption, fraud

Glaxo fined £37.6m for 'illegal behaviour' over Seroxat deals

Glaxo conned the world in 2009

Big Pharma Companies Are Exploiting The World's Poor

will update 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your article! I also appreciate the links! Thank you!
